💋 Regret💋 Edited

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From the day Abdullah left the town hermana life's became a living hell and wat she herself couldn't explain.

"Kee" the harsh voice of Aisha, Abdullah sister made hermana trembled in fear.

"Will you get out of my sight or till I deal with you" Aisha said again glaring after hermana petite body walking out of the living room.

Hermana always wonder why so much people disliked her in this world even at school the only girl she saw as a friend turning back at her just because she took the first position.

The shrill sounds of hermana's phone was what pulled her out of her pool, exhaling a loud sign hermana placed the phone on her left ears.

"Waslm" she said after hearing Abdullah stressed voice from the background.

"You know I miss home so much that this place stinks" he said making Hermana chuckled at his never ending stories about how he missed Nigeria.

Chatting till Abdullah fell asleep was there Normal routine everyday, it has become part of the two.

For the first time in forever Hermana felt like going home to see her sisters and brother how far are they coping, is there father coming back home to see them or do he live them all to themselves for weeks with no food.

She felt like going just maybe he won't be home, she got dress in the cream colored knee length and dark brown trousers.

Hermana tiptoes into the kitchen afraid to bump into Aisha or hajiya herself.

Luckily for her it was only Indo the maid doing the dishes at the far end of the cooking room.

Hermana smiled at the old woman who looked so old but still working herself just to get 10 thousand at the end of the month to feed her children.

Hermana knew life wasn't been fair to her to them, losing her mother and been curse also separated from her siblings who she only got married because of, she knows maybe she did sound like some gold digger just like Abdullah sister and mother said but then she doesn't care she could do anything absolutely very under her control for her family.

Knowing that she's some millionaire now with millionaire inside her account breathing, them no care in this world only if her mother was here then she could have given her all the money because he sent money every month into her account that she couldn't count the zeros in her balance.

Getting some food from the warmers that where kept on the kitchen island, hermana stood on her toes to get her cute hello Kitty lunch box which was shinny all over, she fell in love with the box the first day they went shopping in ShopRite with Abdullah who found her childish liking children stuffs.

A smile graced Hermana lips with the thought of living the box for mariya who will so much fall in love with the box and will even be bragging about it at school.

Amir who hermana called Herman after his birth when she was six, when she was only been a child now.

She hide the pink little lunchbox into her beautiful black back pack which has stones designed all over it making it glitter sure to the chandelier dangling, hermana could still and clearly remember yet first memory seeing it seems always stare at it finding it fantastic.

Hermana thought maybe she should tell the driver to just drop her off at there area but quickly discharge the thought away not wanting him to tell hajiya or even Aisha who will end up killing her, she stood by the gate of her Islamic school as though she was checking some books inside her backpack which obviously has none.

Untill the driver Adam was out of the street she exhaled a sign seeing student dressed in there uniform tripping in and out of the school some waiting for there friends, she then looked around watching over her wrist to make sure no one was watching over her so she could slip out of the gate down the road to take a cab that will take her to her area.

Walking a far distance before seeing a cab hermana exhaling a breath, then getting into the car and giving him the address, it was quite a long distance almost a thirty minutes ride knowing how the traffic in Kano can get pretty very bad at this time knowing workers where all resuming back home and also the busy city.

She paid the man not even Caring to collect the change of the  thousand naira note she shove to his face, she made her way through there area which has stagnant water standing by the front door of there houses.

Hermana took the routine that always took her house, inhaling the scent she love most which was from yawo favorite rice and beans with palm oil stew that get the whole area with it's aroma even after been taken to her restaurant which her mother works in just to wash plates and serve food for the customers.

Hermana beamed getting her pretty expensive shoe soiled with the mud and some water, she remembers how she pleaded with Abdullah so much on not buying shoes worth 20 thousand naira for her but had to shut down after his words left his mouth which was.

"I don't have people down grading my wife you know, I own large companies both in Nigeria and outside so my wife has to leave and wear expensive cloth" only if he knows why she married him maybe it was cause of his money just like how her anty said get every penny of his and leave him.

Hermana didn't find those words funny neither was she taking any of her anties advice of making him bankrupt, not helping the wild smile that spread on her lips hermana greeted the little shop by there house which was own by mallam Bala the man that always helps then with food wen they have no penny.

Hermana could help the pitiful look the man was sending her way greeting her back as politely as he could but thinking of how to just break the news to her.

Hermana felt like moving on to there house which was just few feet away but felt the need to stay with mallam Bala and ask how her siblings where coping with there father.

"Aminatu" the man who was in his early fifties call not able to meet the poor girls questionable look after seeing the door to her house having a big luck on it.

"Allah never Burden a soul with what he couldn't take, Amina take everything that's happening to you as a Destiny from your lord, am sorry for your mother lost and your sisters mariya she passed away two weeks after your mother's death and few days after that Amir went missing not accepting the offer your father made of taking him to an almagiri school in sokoto"

I tired long chapter Koh, so how are we all doing hopefully fine, assu has finally suspended strike which means school will resume and I'll miss you all but I will try so much to have a lot of chapters drafted just so the book won't be on hold.

The story is just starting??..

Hermana hermana I feel so sorry for her.

'But after every hardship comes and ease'
Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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