💋Faith sealed💋 Edited

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Flaring nostrils lips set in tight straight lines, Jamal blinked his eyes open and close trying his best to stay calm but he wasn't.

Wanting to wrapped his palms tightly around his father long neck till his face turn pale before he let go.

Gulping down the thought down his throat jamal looked toward the direction of his mother for some help but the woman was on the side of his father from all indications.

Turning to his sister, she only send a reassuring smile his way.

He doesn't get why they did be talking about his life when his sited like he wasn't the one the man was talking about the way he did.

Closing his eyes as he counted from one to three to calm himself which actually did but the word that left his mother's lips set him on his feet.

"What was he even saying"

"You should calm down jamal"

His sister voice made him scoff, calm down they say if only they where in his feet, his two parent where doing nothing to reason with him instead keep making decisions. That too about his life jamal stormed out into his car not caring about there voices they made perfect planes then he will see how it unfolded.

Speeding to his hotel room jamal made sure he left no access they did reach him with, he promised to let them have a taste of there own medicine.

"Jamal don't test my patience"

Came his mother's voice with a loud thuds the door, there voices died down for few minutes before they came bragging into the room.

There footsteps confirmed his suspicions, Jamal that she was indeed inside the room and few steps away from him,


Her voice sounded so calm too calm for someone who was just banging the door hard few minutes ago, funny isn't it.

Jamal did nothing to open his eye, not that he was afraid of tear he even wished for some tears maybe he did feel better maybe the fire burning in his heart will cool off and maybe turn into ashes.

"I'll do nothing to hurt you"

He knew that better than anyone, If anything then his mother love him so much more than life itself, she love him to give up many things in her life just cause of him and now he feared what was to come he was never ready of anything as such, if anything but not what his father wanted but it as if the deed has already been done.

Blinking his eyes open jamal settled them on his mother who was kneeling on her knees with tears in her eyes, 'no' he never planned on making her cry not after everything she did for him.


His voice came out hush, from anger his eyes too where dark shade of red but he never mind the anger within him long gone.

What would be more painful than seeing the woman who birthed you in tears because of you,
"It's okay jamal I shouldn't have said yes to him"

He knew who she was talking too yet he exhaled, maybe it was too late for his mother to realize this but his father was doing nothing other than using them using her.

"Mama you have to understand that his using us"

"No jamal his not using us, he love you

Maybe I shouldn't have done what I did thirty years ago, maybe we won't have been here today"

Nasirat knew that some decisions where never right to begin with but there nothing we can do about it just pull with the strings.

Maybe she shouldn't have ran away like some coward.

"Ummi I think it's too late for this"

Jamal took her palms into it, rubbing it gently "he should learn how to be nice"

He added letting go of her hands, standing on his feet he walked out of the room leaving her to her own tears. How is she going to set this now, on one her is her son while on the other is her husband she don't want to lose anyone among them.

Jamal was born to to take over his father which was why she took the wrong decision she did years ago, she knew nothing was going to happened to him unless What Allah has destined for it to happened yet she ran away to save herself and her son but still.

"Mama you shouldn't be worried walid will come around"

His sister said placing her hands over her mother's shoulders, she knew her mother had to pay for her action but not this way.

"His hurting Rahat, if i knew this was what it was going to lead to I did stay"

Rahat closed her eyes, she never knew why her mother took the decision she took thirty years back but believe she has no other way out other than what she did.


She called softly out at her mother not wanting her voice to sound any high yet than it was, her mother raised her face looking at her daughter who was also looking at her.

She never wanted this, she left her daughter thirty years ago just to save a son now this what is she going to do.


Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu zaynab

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