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The days kept passing by very quickly and it's already Friday, hermana swing herself on the single swinging bed decorated with flowers which was around the garden having a book in her hands sweet sixteen.

The book was distributed to them by the English tutor who found out it was the book for jamb that year.

Been an art student and a lover of books hermana finished reading the small story book in her hands and placed it over on her laps as she swing higher in the air.

This was her new found hubby, seeing the sun getting red hermana thought she should cook something for dinner but the laziness that was eating up her bones made her sit there swagging herself high on the swing which made her laugher bubbled in the air.

Abdullah watch from the balcony of his room how the girl was laughing and having so much fun.

Hermana managed getting her butt off the swing and into the house, the living room seems too cold for her liking.

Putting on some incense burner she got from the store down the street that very day hermana relaxed herself on the white royal sofa having her attention completely on her phone.

She couldn't say if been friends with Mimi will be harmful to her but then the girl said she was sorry and didn't mean anything bad.

"Hi" Abdullah waved sitting on the other sofa his eyes fixed on hermana the girl is developing her butts are getting larger which always making his pants grow.

"How are you" hermana asked not looking up at her husband face but could feel his burning gaze on her.

Putting the phone aside her gaze meat his, a small smile was on her lips Truth be told she miss the old them.

They now all feel like some strangers, "am sorry" Abdullah started feeling maybe he should just be straight forward he pitted her so much.

Hermana smile grow Wilder not even helping it, "can we go out on a date" a pout was adoring her cute lips all he wanted doing at that instance was to feel his lips on hers sucking on them.

Yes not that he was a pervert noo she's his lawfully wedded wife unlike laylah who kept teasing him with those gowns.

Now he just have to do one thing so his mind could be Normal the way it was before, she stepped on the last stair dressed in a red dress which got him running to her side.

She shone like some goddess under the chandelier light wrapping his arms securely around her they walk to the car making sure all her dress was inside the car he ran to the driver sit to drive them to the restaurant he made reservations for them.

Laylah felt like screaming from the balcony of her room which was giving her the clear view of the house enjoying the chilly breeze only for the two to come holding each other like some magnet, not that she loved abdullah to feel a thing in her throat never, the less she felt only if the bastard didn't cross her she could have been the one in that position with her love.

No a voice in her screamed she was quick to block that voice because she knows what was coming but the promise she made to herself is never going in vain she will make sure abdullah regrets every bit of his life that too with his wife he seemed to love the girl so much even the way he acted around her but she wasn't sure first thing in her task now I'd to make sure abdullah falls deeply in love with the girl then things will fall apart.

Getting the door to the room fancy restaurant hermana smiled at her husband feeling a zoom down her stomach, not knowing if she could be able to ate a thing from the most expensive looking restaurant she never thought such places existed in Nigeria that too in Kano well must to her surprise it did.

The place smell so so many varieties of food ranging from local and continental, setting her hands on the menu which was brought by a beautiful looking waitress who was smiling down at her husband with the way he smiled back at her made hermana frowned a bit not knowing wen she started speaking.

"Baby what do you think we should order" Abdullah mouth drop at her sudden behavior which was surprising did she just show her jealous side that to in an open place Abdullah thought smiling to himself.

"Well if you will excuse us we will get back to you" abdullah shoved the flirting waitress who wasn't even shy of flirting with someone's husband.

Turning to hermana who has a cute pout on her lips "we should leave this place" hermana spoke through gritting teeth not liking the way the waitress was shamelessly smiling at her man.

On there way out of the restaurant not even waiting for there order, hermana was adamant on them leaving the place and maybe get themselves some suyya on there way back home she wasn't feeling like eating no more.

The where stopped by two beautiful couples who abdallah introduced as his friend and wife, the wife exchange contact with hermana asking if she was the new bride or the first wife.

Hermana couldn't help her angry and how news spread like wild fire about her husband taking a new wife just a year and some months after there married, some will even think she was barren that was why he got himself a wife who could give him a heir.

"Why are you moody all of a sudden" Abdallah asked his wife after they bid the couple's adore promising to go visit them some time, "well the fact that you are married that too to the love of your life" hermana spatted out not even helping the anger.

Abdullah chuckled liking the fact that the girl was jealous over him, the car was silent all though there ride back home, hermana couldn't help the tears that where threatening to spill out of her eyes bur kept it down, she left the car immediately the car got inside the house not waiting for it to park properly.

Abdullah let her be, he got to his room took his bath, and made his way to hermana room, setting his mind to consummate there marriage which he was supposed to do since a year ago.

Asalamu alaikum all, sorry I must apologise this update was supposed to come a week ago but then I got too preoccupied but then here they are.

Allahuma baligni Ramadan.

Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu Zaynah
—.glimmer princess.— on IG
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