💋 Excuse of a father💋 Edited

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Abdullah was supposed to go back to where ever he works tomorrow, Hermana was Happy because he informed her to get ready tomorrow he will take her to spend the whole day at her parents house.

So just he would made up after Breaking the news of staying with his family to her.

The whole idea doesn't seem well to her but then there was nothing she could say about it her destiny has already been sailed and tied to Abdullah wat so ever.

The next day hermana ditched going to school and gave Abdullah no reason to blame for.

She woke up extra early, all dressed up and ready waiting for Abdullah to come down stairs just so they could go.

Wen he came down the stairs and saw her all dressed up in a blue maxi dress looking so hot he felt like hugging her and never letting go.

"Good morning" she greeted with a lil bit disappointment in her voice seeing he hasn't even took his bath this was already getting to seven.

"What's the event why are you getting dressed like this for school" Abdullah asked coming out of the cooking house with a mug of hot coffee in his hands.

Hermana raised a brows questioningly at him to see if he was joking but there was no sign of joke what so ever.

She rolled her eyes, "am not going to school today have you forgotten am spending the day at home your promise" hermana said with the voice breaking afraid he will ask her to change to uniform he has changed his mind for taking her home.

She waited for his voice to come but it never came, she looked up and stole a glare from him seeing he was enjoying his coffee with no care in the world she released a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"I'll just take a quick shower" Abdullah said making his way up the stairs.

Hermana just followed him with eyes not saying anything, she picked the cup of coffee he finished to the kitchen before coming back to sit on the soffa and placed her eyes on the television.

In the car her mind was mess up with the thought of her mother and siblings health, she felt a bit guilty for not visiting them until after months almost getting to a year of there marriage.

She sat in the for quite a longer time just thinking before Abdullah voice interrupted.

"We are here" he said winning the tint glasses down

Hermana just noded her head before opening the door, she felt as if something was going wrong she felt like running back into the car and telling Abdullah they should just drive back.

Her legs where literally trembling as she stepped into there house with a Salam then her mouth hanged up in surprise as she saw what was happening.

Her father holding his old belt in his hands landing them at her mother's back who didn't even have a shirt on.

"Mother" Hermana called in a crying whispered before quickly rushing into the house to push her mother off where she stood watching her husband beat her like a slave.

Since wen they grew up they where used to watching there father beat there mother everyday of life as though she was some slave to him.

Hermana also hears at night the hard sob of her mother from there room wall of how her father take in there mother like a slave, that was never called love making it's called rape.

All the memories of wat her father has been going flashed in her eyes with tears burring her vision she collected the belt and fling with it toward the direction of the door as if on clue Abdullah came in.

He doesn't need to be told that the family need some privacy with the way the environment was so tick and tensed.

"You, useless child" hermana father said pointing a finger toward her and matching heavy toward her.

He gripped her neck with his hands making sure he will send her to her grave for misbehaving with him.

How dare she, he thought making his grip hard on her neck making her so uncomfortable, hermana has started coughing hard with the way she her father's hand was on her neck.

Hermana was already sipy out of conscious due to the tight grip on her throat, all the oxygen she has in was going and she couldn't breathe properly again.

Seeing what her husband was about doing made hermana mother quickly pick a stone from the floor and heat it hard on her husband head.

She cared no more at Least if he could want to kill her and her children then she rather kill him first.

She regretted ever going against her parents to love this fitty man she onces loved, staring at her daughter laying lifeless on the floor brought so much tears to her eyes.

And her husband laying in pool of blood looking lifeless also made her walk like a mad woman to the kitchen got a knife and stabbed herself

Asalamu alaikum all beautiful people 😪 so this story has come to an end 😭🤦🏻‍♀️.

Was only pulling your legs, so all of them are now lifeless laying down wat you all think who will survive a d who won't.

Aleeyu xynab
Ongoing edition
All rights reserved

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