💋Betrayal💋 Edited

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The room was dead drop silent after the words left Aunty bilkisu mouth all the occupants became freeze they never expected such from her.

The sob coming from her was the only sound coming out of the room, laylah sigh from where she was sited, she knew the woman was just playing some stupid games because if she really liked Hermana then the girl would have gone to her after Abdullah sent her parking.

But she didn't do that instead she went some where, but here the woman was filling there ears with none sense.

Laylah rubbed her forehead to help relax herself, she could feel headache already forming from god knows where.

Excusing herself to go out of the room, the woman was already annoying the shit out of her, if she stay some more in that room then she doesn't know what would happen next.

"Why are you out here in the cold"

Abdullah asked making Laylah turn her face to the side of the door, smiling at him she turn her gaze back to the tears of the cloud, was it true when it rain the cloud was crying.

Laylah shook that took away from her mind as she felt Abdullah's warm arms wrapped around her waist making her tensed muscles relax, she thought she hated the man but her body always misbehave under his touch.

"Well I just thought of getting some fresh air, the woman was blaring none sense why can't Aunty zainab see right through  it"

Now resting her head on his chest Laylah exhaled a deep breath she never knew she was holding, feeling cold all of a sudden.

"It's getting cold out here let's get going"
Abdullah pulled her with him back into the house.

They bid hajiya zainab goodbye, before making there way towards there car. where Abdullah sat behind the wheel,
"Should we get something for lunch before going back home"

Abdullah asked taking his gaze off the road to a sleeping Laylah before setting his lips in a thin line.

She must be very tried after there ride back from Abuja, picking her up bridal style in his arms making way into the house.

The rain has already stop and the sun was already shinny bright as thought it didn't rain the only sign of rain was from the wet floor.

"You know during this season when I was a child, we always say the elephants are giving birth"

Laylah nodded finding his tales funny, was Abdullah this lively or he was just using her for replacement. Did he love her or Hermana.

Does it even matter if he still love her, all she knew was she was never going to let her heart fall for any of his tricks, knowing how the heart is.

Now she had started thinking like those teenagers high on love, just because of the books she read now.

"What should I cook for us"

Putting her down, Abdullah was rolling up the sleeves of his black kaftan, placing his zannah bukar cap on the center.

Laylah was quick to stand too on her feet, she need to put a stop to anything that will make her heart fall week, she Doesn't know how long it will take for all this to end but two years will be fine and not too long,

"Nooo we can eat or better still order something"

Laylah said wrapping her arms around her chest watching as Abdullah head fell back and he laughter out, the sight actually seems pleasing to the eyes.


Laylah called in what seemed to be a childish way hitting her both feet on the flour like the spoilt brat she was.

"Seriously baby we need some home made food am tired of eating takeout"

His was now serious from the way his voice sound, what did she think before that they will be eating take out forever.

Did he just called her baby, yes he did she couldn't start hearing things now too, her plans should set to work if possible before two years right.

"I'm too, we just couldn't continue eating out till forever"

Laylah said sitting back on the arm chair massage for her headache what the solution now,

"Fine how about I get us a cook"

Came Abdullahs voice, wow his such a sweetheart but then it doesn't sound right to her ears they don't have space for cook in there home, even thought she needed that so badly but she wanted to enjoy this two years of her been married alone she couldn't help it but deep down she needed those memories to keep her sane in the future.

"No how about I get I rolled into cooking classes"

She really took Abdullah off guard making him freeze, standing mouth agape watching her to be sure it was Laylah and not someone else,

"What stop staring you did get a fly into your mouth"

Now the Laylah he knew was back, but he was still paralyzed with her earlier statement.

Does it mean she really wanted to them to work out,

"It's fine if you don't like the idea I can start trying with YouTube"

She added again taking him off guard as she search her bag for her phone, Abdullah found a spot next to her to rest his soar feet's this shouldn't be discussed while standing.

Not that he still isn't over the fact that Laylah really wanted them to work, should he be happy. Alas scream out his longs out of happiness for the whole world to know that he was actually whipped.

Nothing is ever going to stop him from letting his heart stop loving this woman sited by his side, he promised to love her till the end of time.

Su Abdullah Romeo
Su Laylah Juliet na romeo

Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu Zaynab

Happy new month

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