💋All hell broken💋 Edited

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The sun Ray was reflecting directly into my face making me turn to the other side to prevent it some more.

Hissing I sat up pushed the quilt away from my body rubbing my hands in my eyes, I got off the bed into the loo to do my business. today is my happiest day because my friend get to inform me about the most powerful boka in the whole of this town,

My phone vibrated from the vanity table, my ringer was off making me walk in fast steps to the vanity placing my phone on my ears as I grin wildly I pitied the village girl maybe just maybe I won't ruin her but I'll just make life easier on her the person am going to ruin is none other than by beloved husband.

"Sorry but I just woke up when you called" I explained as she hang up the phone I placed it back on the vanity before making my way toward the loo.

Coming out of the loo, I made sure I took my time bathing and washing away all the stress off my body. Abdullah your end is near, I half whispered to myself watching my reflection in the mirror. I look a little bit dark compared to my real color which was all thanks to Abdullah.

It was a sunday the house was quite as I skipped to the kitchen only to be welcomed by the aroma of my co wife cooking, ohhh dear belove co wife I sang to myself as I watch behind her clapping my hands together.

I love seeing as she was always got scared for I drive pleasure from it, her innocent eyes scanned through my body as she mumbled her good morning which I didn't pay head to matched to where she is checking the pot she was stirring, uncovering the pot lade where a stream aromatic fried rice was revealed.

"You are a great cook I must say but am heading out save some for me and also tell Abdullah I head out and won't be back early"

I was already by the kitchen door when I turned again to face my co wife who was looking at me weirdly giving her one last smile. I walked happily to the parking lots.

Settling on the car which was a sleek bmw series, I matched the accelerator with force driving out of the house, my friend saema gave me the address I was supposed to pick her up from with the help of the Google map. I drive myself to the house where I parked outside dialing her contact.

She came out almost immediately "li kice a shegiyan mota" (it's you in this big car) I only noded my head for my friend was a true gold digger she can do absolutely everything for money which is why she was helping me in the first place.

"You know you can't drive this car into the place we are going but will make sure you park it at a save distance then maybe we trek" she added but this time I watch her in absolutely bewilderment.

"Siya, you know I ain't allowed to walk for a far distance" my perfectly painted brows was raised at her questioningly. She raised her hands up in surrender "I'll be here for you always" putting her hands down, she shrugged her shoulders before giving me directions as I reversed out of the area.

Driving out of town siya was engrossed with her cell which I couldn't think of why people like her are addicted with there phone people like me would rather while away my life time hanging out with friends shopping or doing something but not at all engross with my cell the way she seemed to be it was as though she wasn't breathing.

"Is it this turn am going to take" I had to nudge her before she was back to present before retreating myself.





Hermana POV

"Ammm uhmm Layla said I should inform you about her going out earlier" I stated making Abdullah to stop typing on his Mac book turning his attention completely on me I looked down at my red henna painted fingers, Abdullah said I should always have that on my finger for he so much love it

"When did she go out and where to" his eyes where still fixed on me making me to shift uncomfortably on my sit, I still couldn't get used to Abdullah's eyes on me it always make me have this kind of unsettling feeling underneath my belly thats just so unexplainable.

"An hour after you left, that she didn't tell me she just said about coming back late" I was already on my feet to move out of Abdullah's room back to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"What should I prepare for dinner" I turned to ask Abdallah as he was back typing on his MacBook

"Baby anything you feel like eating".

I walked out of the room with the thought of what I was going to prepare for him on my mind as I switched on the lights by the stairs walking into the kitchen which was all dark, settling on cooking some curried rice, pepper chicken, Mac cheese and salad I set to work in no time hoping to be done after magrib.

Transfer all the food inside the warmers I always serve them in I set the table before going back to my room to bath and pray magrib and isha together for the adzan was already calling the prayers.

Much to my surprise as I walked down the stairs Layla was seated on the table together with Abdullah I guess waiting for me to come serve then, I preceded to the kitchen first to get the apple juice I made from the freezer before going back to the dining area.

After serving them I sat on my on sit which was next to Abdullah as I munch on my food liking the taste of it, "Baby I forgot I got transferred to Abuja and we are going together" he stated taking sip from his apple juice from all indications he was enjoying it, I only nodded my head as there was still bites of food in my mouth.

"Abdullah it can't be what of me" laylah was on her feet, pushing the half plate that she was once eating from, Abdullah didn't spare her a look as he continued munching on his food leaving her standing.

With in a blink of an eye Layla snatched the plate Abdullah was eating from making him to look at her wearing a hard face, I was sure if was the one I would have been shaking or better still wanting to pee in my pant from fright but no Layla was also staring at him dead In the eyes, not wanting to invade on the two privacy I left with my unfinished food to my room

Another update
What do you think laylah want to start doing black magic do you think it's going to work... who will Abdullah take along with to Abuja.

The drama is still yet to start

Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu Zaynab

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