💋Game II💋 Edited

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Russia 🇷🇺

Hermana let her thought wonder around the things around her how the things came to being, she knew it was better than letting it go to a particular someone who was from her past, what she made of her past was something that build her.

She signed exhaling a deep breath then got on her feet, pacing around the small space left in the room Hermana couldn't help but let her thought drift to the day there gaze clashed at a restaurant back in sokoto.

She recalled the event so well that it felt it was replaying the second time before her, but she prayed not to come across any one from her past ever again it all felt funny.

Abdullah's eyes rounded from their socket as thought they will bulge out from its root, Hermana looked but as calm not letting him see through her emotions, he raised on his feet then made way to there table which had so many royal guards standing.

None let him reach the table they where sited which made Hermana want to laugh out but held her laugher down back, "where did he know you from"
Hermana shrugged her shoulders as though not obvious with what was happening around them.

"We should get going his frightening me already"
Hermana Lied getting on her feet and before anyone could make a move, she was already out of the place and into the car, Nene was restless paid for what they got and went to the car.

Hermana was already in tears crying hard by the time nene went into the car, she hugged her consolingly to her blossom that was the very first time she witnessed Hermana in tears.

"Please speak to no one about what you saw today please"
Hermana pleaded with trembling lips what was unknown to the two of them was the conversation between Abdullah and one of the guard.

"This not how a man behaves"
He guard said to Abdullah feeling his anger raise but set his anger at bay he shouldn't be one to talk to someone he was unaware of his status.

All his work was to guard and protect the royals he could even lay his life for the king or any of the royals that was how his life was.

Abdullah wanted shouting at his face or maybe still punch him hard to break his jaws but stand back waiting to hear the information the guards will tell him about been a gentle man.

"If you love or have interest in her then come forward to the palace she's a sister to the crown prince"

The guard didn't let the information provide by him sank into Abdullah before he made way out of the restaurant as if he was never there to begin with leaving a puzzled Abdullah standing in the middle of the restaurant.

Matching out he made way for his car then drove back to the hotel they lodge in full speed.

Laylah was on the bed under the comforter, her fever might have ran down he thought seeing as she was sleeping so peaceful, he watch her for long before exhaling a breath he won't make any move for now.

"I'll wait and see layl what your next move is"
Abdullah said and Unknown to him Laylah wasn't sleeping but was pretending as though she was, so all through her suspicions was right Abdullah knew she was scheming something.

Blinking her eyes open Laylah settled them on the man she hated so much she felt the metallic taste of blood between her teeth and ran to the loo in an attempt to spit it out.

Abdullah was by the bed by the time she came out of the loo holding onto her belly protectively, what Abdullah couldn't place a finger at was the fact that she was playing a game at the same time wanting him.

The child she was carrying was his his own flex and blood what he couldn't place was him accepting to bringthe child into this mess, wasn't it a game why not play her game and end everything.

"I had a dream"

Laylah started sitting on the single sofa in the room facin Abdullah not blinking, "what dream my love"
Abdullah sounded so caring that made Laylah smile so he knows how to play a game so well, Laylah threw her head and laughed out Abdullah was puzzled at first but mask it off knowing she was only playing game.

"Sorry for that just remembered something after seeing your horror expression"

Abdullah nodes his head as though trying to convince himself everything she said was true.

"I dreamt about Hermana that you people meet and"

Abdullah eyes where wild open lips hanging agape in the air as though Laylah has grown two heads or better still mad did she by any chance hit her head somewhere to make her go this nuts

Hermana signed moving to the door to see Ambar standing with a boutique of roses, it was as if her blood ran cold, didn't she let him know about her not wanting to have anything to do with him, there was something about him that frightened her.

Hermana didn't move by the door holding the door like her life depend on it.


Well am sorry for going mute exams and all those emotional stuffs but Alhmdulilah I want to get over with this book really soon whose is excited

Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu zaynab

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