💋Cold shoulders💋 Edited

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Worried is an understatement Abdullah still haven't talked to me since they returned which is getting to three days now I was sick worried and tired, making up my mind to confront him was what I planed on doing that day.

"I have been searching the whole house for you"

Laylah said settling next to me on the mat I spread out for myself in the balcony of the living room upstairs having a clear view of the quite estate, placing two cups of juice she handed me one which I took taking sip from before placing it  back by my left side.

I have been thirsty . Lazy to go down stairs to get myself some water, placing the juice back on my lips for the second time as I took another slip from i signed watching as a red car drove pass us it was Abdullah he just left the house.

Wanting to talk to laylah about it but thinking agains it, I looked at her way our eyes meet she passed me a liplock smile.

"Hermana I know we started on a bad term but we can still workout our relationship"

Gesturing between the two of us she placed her hands on my folded laps, where my gaze fell on she was quick to take her hands off.

She sounded sincere making me want to pour out all my problems to her I have the only person I have which is Abdullah has deserted me maybe because I was pregnant.

This is why I feel having this child is a bad luck to me, placing my hands over my flat tummy I still have zero idea about how month along I was with Abdullah child.

I was patiently waiting for him to return now this am utterly speechless, "laylah I'm pregnant" I whispered not knowing if my voice was audible enough because saying the last part brought tears in my eyes.

"I know he must have figured it out that's why his giving me a cold shoulder" I whispered as she rubbed my back smoothing.

"You have to be strong and let him know about the child first even though I knew he wouldn't want a child now"

I felt as though she was lying but another part of me was believing making me want to just run to the hospital and have it flushed.

"So your suggesting I take it out"

Was the question that left my mouth as I pulled out of the hug to study her face clearly but she gave me a blank expression shaking her head negatively, sipping on her juice like we ain't discussing some important issues.

"What am saying is you should talk things out with him, understand him am just letting you know Abdullah is not the type to welcome children"

Shrugging at her last statement she excused herself to pick a phone call leaving her words ringing around my head.

The whole day passed in a blur as I was sited for hours waiting for Abdullah to return in his red car but he never seemed to arrived, the Adzan for isha was calling and I sat there still watching down the street waiting for the arrival of my dear husband.

The sky was already completely dark I was sure it's was past nine, getting on my feet which felt sore I limped to my room with blurry eyes.

Blinking the tears I was so much trying to push back hard but failed, I let the heart breaking cry out of my throat into a soft sob, I couldn't help but cry for everything I cried for been the only person in this world not even a family have I have left, I have no one to call mine not even a father, my bother is no where to be found and my mother may her soul Rest In Peace Ameen.

"Ya Allah you never burden a soul with what It cannot bear ya Allah but the weight of the pain inside my heart is something I can't hold unto for long"

I palmed my trembling lips in order not to say out something that will make a grievous sin.

Waking up from the slumber I fell without even knowing, I blinked my eyes countless time so I could adjust to the the ray of sun shining directly into my face I lazy yawn escaping my lips as I stretch out my arms only to notice the drool all over it making me run to the bathroom.

I still couldn't get my mind off Abdullah because I was curious if he was back home or not he couldn't even care checking me I thought to myself.

I know a big part of me doesn't want to keep the baby, I just wasn't ready maybe I'll be in the future but I couldn't help the feeling of disappointment around me knowing Abdullah doesn't even like the baby which is why he was giving her cold shoulders.

Putting aside the prayer mat I stretched out my hands to pick my phone from the console table where I could remember keeping it the previous day I was still in the same set of clothes I wore the day before which was a lilac maxi dress with a black cap covering my head.

The grumbling of my stomach pulled me out of my train of though as I got into the bathroom to take a shower so I could go to the hospital and get an appointment with the doctor.

Laughter was resonating around the house as I was sure it was coming from Layla room Abdullah deep voice was echoing around the house making me pace up out of the house, I wanted getting something to eat but I just couldn't. I wanted to be far away from the house just so maybe the burning sensation I was feeling would go away but it didn't.


Telling the driver the address of the hospital she could remember searching up the internet for Hermana closed her eyes for brief second she still doesn't know if this is the right thing to do or not but she was doing it never the less there was nothing more

Hi dear readers

Why is Abdullah giving Hermana some cold shoulders??

Is Layla right about him not wanting children

We will find all those answers in the next chapter so see you all

Love you


Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu Zaynab

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