💋Getting to know each other💋 Edited

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Hermana was wearing a black tight with a pink baggy shirt with girly written boldly in black.

She was going to make some cookies never made one but want to make use of her kitchen. Bringing out all the ingredients she will be needing, she placed then on the counter setting to work humming some Qur'anic verse to herself.

Abdullah stood by the kitchen door hands folded and placed over his chest watching his wife's hips swagging from her movements.

Hermana was deep engrossed in her work until she felt as if an eyes where on her, she moved her head to the direction of the door just to be meet with the most seen orbs.

She swallowed a lump that formed in her throat.

Turning back to her work, which was adding flour to the mixture.

"Uhmmm am sorry" Abdullah founded himself apologizing for making his wife uncomfortable.

"How long have you been standing" hermana asked her husband who was standing behind her. She could feel his warmness.

"Since when I came back and couldn't found you in your room" Abdullah said walking to the fridge.

He open a bottle of water and gulped it down making hermana chuckle at his behavior.

"What are you making" Abdullah further asked after taking the water to his satisfaction.

"Cookie, with some drinks for lunch" she said placing the cookies in the oven to bake, turning to face her husband whose brows was raised.

Hermana had a small smile playing on her lips with her husband's expressional face, she had some white flour on her nose which made Abdullah remove it with his fingers.

"Thanks" she thanked him blushing red from the little contact, he was actually gentle she thought.

"I'll be doing some work upstairs, just get me some the aroma is killing me" Abdullah ordered already out of the kitchen.

Hermana frowned a little he was bit ordery for her liking.

He was in the beautiful living room upstairs when hermana took the deli cookies to him with a glass of natural orange juice she squished.

She placed the bow of cookies on a fine white ceramic tray a transparent glass jug with a tumbler.

She sat and also ate hers in a comfortable silent, she was now used to eating under his scotching gaze.

Turning on the television pulling all the curtains down, lights off Abdullah and hermana sat on the same soffa ready to watch Netflix.

" Let watch suicide squad" Abdullah said snaking his hands around her shoulder.

"What class are you" Abdullah founded himself asking they where done watching it past midnight but they both where not sleepy like some night owls.

"Jss 3 I couldn't write my jss ce, if not I'll get into ss1 . Because of the wedding" Hermana said her head still rested on his shoulder.

Uhmmm Abdullah just hummed he pited her "will you like to go back to school" he asked playing with her average long hair which was styled two step falling from her back.

"Yes I always wanted to go to school to become a lawyer" hermana said stopping herself to blar out the last part.

Abdullah smiled at her, "barrister Amina" he called teasingly, "I also wanted becoming a lawyer but later on changed my mind because I had to live the country" Abdullah said flashing thought the past memories where he always wanted to become like his mother a lawyer.

"I had to take over father's business if he dies, so I gave up my dreams of becoming a lawyer for a business man" he told his wife who was now feeling sleepy.

Apart from been close and comfortable with him they where now getting to know each other which was surprising to hermana she never thought she will be in any position with a man other than her bother amir.

But here she was in her husband's arms, comfortable sleeping.

Short chapter I Know right, so please vote 😪😪 it hurts alot.
Comment what you think about this chapter and there relationship are they making progress.

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All those hafsaa people come here I need una


A chapter for you dear, comment and tell your fav character 💋💋


Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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