💋 Going back to work💋 Edited

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It's two weeks since hermana got enrolled in a school and everything was going so well Masha Allah.

Until wen Abdull came back one afternoon with a long face, he hadn't back to work but had to.

Hermana welcomed him as usual collect his laptop bag or the lylon he also doesn't miss to come with taking it to his room then the kitchen.

Today he brought fruits which she decided to cut into fruit salad, "the food is almost done you can take shower"she said to a tired looking Abdull taking the cover shoes to the shoe rack.

He came down all refreshed in a off white three quarters with a witch singlet.

"I'll like to be serve here" Abdul ordered walking to the mini dinner area where only floor soffa for eating and pillow around the room, a wash hand basen.

Hermana dropped two warmers then brought a glass hug filled with ice and the fruit salad in a white bowl.

Abdullah stomach grumped at the aroma which hit his nostril at the yummy site.

Moimoi he thought the last Time he ate was he can't remember and here she is preparing food for him not even sleeping after coming back from school.

"May god bless you" he prayed making her blush her heart swelling with love, as she place the warmers on the plush brown rug the aroma hit his nostril making him quickly wash his hands in the black with a touch of brown wash hand basen.

The eating room was beautifully decorated with brown and a little touch of black making it have a warm atmosphere.

As he put a spoon he stopped because of the taste looking weirdly at her which she reciprocated with warm smile.

"This so yummy tell me how you make this delicious moimoi" Abdullah asked mouth filled with food before gulping it down with the chill natural squeeze orange juice.

My wife is the best he thought to himself, thinking how how to break the news of going back to work to her.

At first he never thought his Break will come to an end this soon but now what was he supposed to do, the food suddenly became tasteless for him gulping down the drink down his throat.

"Are you done" hermana asked getting up to packed the used plates and warmers to the kitchen which she load in the dish washer before starting to cook dinner.

She settled on making white rice with strew and colow.

All the ingredients she needed for the colow was already gritted and washed waiting for it to drain.

Setting a pan on the low heated gas, she added water into the bow to boil so she could perboil her rice.

Then she left to the fridge brought out all the ingredients for her stew and washed them before putting them inside the blender to blend before putting them inside the pot. 

Everything was set on the dining table which she wasn't sure if her husband will eat there because he does like eating on the table most time, she left to her room, to do her assignments then took a shower.

She got dressed in a red maxi dress applying a lil powder to her face, and lip balm then lined her under and upper linner with a Kohl looking so dashing.

She walked down stairs, Abdullah was sited on the two siter sofa watching the football match playing on the television, his eyes followed his wife to the kitchen swallowing a lump in his throat he always feels a thing for her.

He think he has fallen in love with her already, smiling at his thought he got his attention back on the television.

"Dinner is ready" Hermana informed in a small voice already up on her feet.

Another thing he liked about her was she was well trained by her parents, she always squat to talk to him and great him Everytime they meet even if it 100 time they get to meet in a day.

"Hermana," he called her back making her to turn and looked at him.

Abdullah swallowed the lump again she looked like an angel, he Snapped her with the phone in his hands.

"Zu kiji"(come and here) he motioned for her to come sit on his laps, which made her blush pink.

Hermana didn't do as she was asked to she turned and walked around the room feeling hot all over the face, she was sure her face will be able to boil water on just how ironic.

Abdullah just giggled feeling overwhelmed he never thought all this was going to happen so fast and now that his leaving he doesn't now how to go about with it.

The two couples sat eating the meal in a conformable silence in the living room still Abdullah was still watching the football match.

"I want to tell you something" Abdullah broke the silent hermana could felt the tension in his voice she just hoped and pay everything was alright.

"Am going back to work"

How will she react...

Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu Xynab

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