💋 staying with his family💋 Edited

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Since when Abdullah Informed his wife about going back to work, she became all sad, he knew he wasn't fair to her but he has to go back.

there was no way out she had already started schooling here, only if she hadn't.
It was almost a year, 8 months and she did be changing class soon.
The drive to her school was a very quite one only the air con sound was all over the car, they where all lost in there lil world.

Hermana waved at him murmuring a thank you under her breath which she was very sure he hasn't hear.

But guessed with the movement of her he mouthed a take care.

All through out the day she hasn't concentrated in class her mind kept drifting to how she was supposed to concentrate while he was away, how was she even going to leave in the big house all to herself.

Maybe she will just has to beg him so she could go back home and stay before he comes back, settling her mind on that she moved the huge novel in front of her then placed her head on the desk to get some sleep.

I light tap on her shoulder was what brought her back to life, she jerked up quickly cleaning the wetness she felt in her mouth not now.

The eruption of laughter was what actually made her look around herself with mouth agape only for realization to hit her that she was in the class not in her bed.

Wishing the ground could open just to swallow her up, the masculine voice made her look up, "good morning sir" the whole class greeted making her feel a heaviness in her head.

She was fast to stand on her feet like the rest of the students in the house to greet the teacher who seemed like a wicked one and was few feets away from her.

Why will I be even sleeping in classs she thought to herself hissing under her breath now she has to explain herself to the whole class or face the the teachers punishment.

"So Mrs can you tell us y you are sleeping in the class" the teacher who hermana wasn't sure of his name asked standing by her desk.

"Sir please pardon her, she was having a headache and didn't know wen she slept off" a tinny voice from behind hermana said.

The room roar into another fit of laughter,

"Shut the fucking hell up" the teacher Thundered.

The class went as silent as a grave yard, the teacher ordered them to sit back down not looking hermana's way though out the class.

Hermana finally turned back to see the voice that saved her at least to thank the girl but was meet with so many faces making her turn quickly to her front and to be meant with a fair pretty girl with a tan skin and a glasses on her eyes smiling at her.

Weird she through returning back the smile to the girl who was already making her way to hermana's sit.

The class was half because it was almost sport time most of the boys left to change into there sport wears.

"Hi am Aisha most call ummita at home and you will also call me ummita I guess" the girl blarbed forwarding her very light hand for a hand shake.

Hermana had to look around the class to make sure she wasn't dreaming, well she reluctantly forwarded her sweaty hands to the girl who gladly took it.

Hermana was sure the girl could sense how nervous she was, "so I guess you must be wondering why I had this on" the girl asked again in her tinny voice which made hermana wondered why she couldn't couldn't stop talking or doesn't she feel somehow about how her voice sounds.

"Woah girl I ain't an introvert, for that. I talk allot that's why my brother Adam always complain about me he always call me parrot, and by the way you didn't tell me your name" ummita said in one breath making hermana wondered how a person can speak that fast without chocking on your words.

Hermana passed a shy smile to the girl she felt somehow intimidated by the girl from her complexion to everything about how just make Her wondered she never seen someone with this kind of skin like in real life and she wanted so badly to feel her skin just wondering how soft the will feel that her hands.

"Earth to Mrs" Aisha yelled clicking her two fingers together to make a sound.

Hermana passed her a smile again still wondering why she has been distracted since the day started,

" So you still didn't tell me your name or you don't want to be my friend I don't seem rich your class" Aisha Said with a disappointed look on her face.

Hermana felt bad for her because maybe that was what the girl thought of her,

" N....o actually I don't speak much my name is Amina but called hermana" hermana said with a smile.

"Wow what a beautiful name I'll always call you that" the two chatted away until it was called a day.

Hermana was happy she has Finally made a new friend even when Abdullah is away she will be okay not be left with his thoughts.

His black sleek benz was already parked  looking handsome like ever in his casual clothes.

A smile was fixed on his lips on sighting her, "OMG your brother is so hot" ummita whispered into her ears.

Hermana just gave a small smile making a metal note to tell her his not her brother but husband.

The two exchanged good bye not forgetting to dialed in there numbers in each other's phone to chat on WhatsApp.

"Good afternoon" hermana greeted Abdullah settling on the passenger seat.

"How was your day and school seems like someone made a new friend" Abdullah asked giggling like a small  kid.

The two chatted away about how there day went on. Abdullah surprised hermana with the surprised lunch he cooked for them which left her speechless.

"So you have to pack your clothes so we could take it home" Abdullah said to hermana that afternoon when they where done with eating dinner they both prepared.

" No I don't think so I have enough clothes at home, I'll just pick some few and with my uniform" hermana said not looking up from the book she was reading.

"Ohh noo forgot to tell you will leave with my family my mother requested that"

Gen gen
So hermana made a new friend ummita😉

She's staying with Abdullah family.

Those that doesn't like her.


Aleeyu xynab
Ongoing edition
All rights reserved

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