(Part 2 Chapter 14) Still some remorse

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(Your P.O.V.)

I was walking down the stairs when I noticed Chara sitting at the window, looking outside with a bit of a sad expression. "Hey, Chara?" I came over to her.
"Oh, hey (Y/N)." She replied also with a kinda sad tone. Why is she sad? It's the beginning of December, it started to snow almost all-day. I looked outside as well now. Frisk and MK were building a snowman.

"Hey, are you alright? You seem troubled about something." I asked tenderly, but she just shook her head. "No, I don't want to bother you with something like this..." I rolled my eyes a bit.
"Ok and I thought you stopped being all-secretly in the underground!" I joked that made her laugh a bit. "Hehehe, shut up nerd." She joked back.

"No, seriously now. What is wrong? I don't like seeing you sad like this." She took her time to respond.
"Well, winter is starting, and seeing Frisk and Mk reminded me of... of me and Asriel back then...
I know we already talked about this. But I can't stop feeling guilty about it! Because of me, he's not here, because of me Frisk can't have the sibling they wanted to have..." Then her voice died down. I quickly comforted her in a hug.

"Hey, shhh. Calm down, that's not true. You're just as great as a sibling to Frisk as Asriel probably would've been. And who knows how things would've gone without this... incident."
I gently stroke her shoulder.

"Yes I know but he deserves a happy life. Not to be doomed as a soulless flower, all alone in the underground. You understand that, do you?" We looked into each other eyes.
"Yes, I do understand, you're right I'm not gonna deny that." I hugged her tightly again.

"I wish I could do something."

~Later that day~

"Yeah come in!" Frisk called when I knocked at the door of her room. I opened the door and got inside closing the door behind me again.

"Oh (Y/N)! Wait... (Y/N) what's wrong?" I snored a bit. "Only by looking at me, you know that something is bothering me?" Frisk laughed.
"Well, I know you long enough you dork." But then she sat up and serious expression.
"And now tell me, what is bothering you?"

"Well, it's about Chara. She reproaches herself and still blames herself for Asriel's fate. And is just not forgiving herself. And she is also unsure if she's a good sibling to you." As soon as I finished Frisk shook her head in disbelief.
"That is... I understand why she is still blaming herself but it's not entirely her fault. And we all forgave her! And she's the best big sister I could ever ask for!" Frisk said desperately.
"I know, I wish I could help her somehow."

~Even later and now Frisk's P.O.V.~

"Hey, Chara." I tapped her shoulder. She fell asleep on her desk.

"No, no I don't-" She mumbled into the last bit of homework that we got before the holidays.
"Pfff, now Chara wake up or-" I stopped midsentence, she started twitching a bit in her sleep.

"No, no... why? why do they all hate me?" A tear rolled down her cheek...

"You are all going to be free!" She smiled...

"Kill them now. Asriel! KILL THEM NOW!" I clenched her right hand onto the table and jumped yelling out of her sleep

"NO! wait what how EH?" She mumbled confusedly. "Hey hey, Chara calm down! It was just a bad dream! It's all alright." I laid my hand on her shoulder. She laughed a bit, but it was a sad laugh.
"Yeah, just a nightmare..."

~Again later. At night and back to your P.O.V~

I turned around in my bed again. I can't sleep, too many thoughts on my mind. Thoughts about Chara. How could I help her? Get Flowey/Asriel onto the surface? No, Frisk told me that he wanted to stay behind to not hurt anyone. Turn Flowey into Asriel again? He needs a soul, where to get a soul? No way of getting a monster soul. And neither Asriel nor Chara would be ok with killing a human and taking their soul.

"GODDAMMIT!" I cursed out in despair...


THAT'S IT! I jumped out of my bed and got dressed as fast as I could without making too much noise. When I finished I instantly teleported to my destination, better not waste any time.

I hope he's still awake. I rang the doorbell and he opened it. I stepped in, "Thanks, sorry for bothering you so late but I have a very important question:

"Is it possible to create an artificial soul?"




(A/N) Hype! Hype! Everyone get on the hype-train!

A bit of a shorter chapter again.

Artwork by: Ayashiiru

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