(Part 2 Chapter 15) Trying to fix it

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(No one's P.O.V.)

It's been two weeks. The winter holidays are starting soon and Christmas is closing in. Chara was still feeling guilty but is trying to hide it as best as she can. You two have slept together a few times again since she got a few nightmares.

*Yawn* It's breakfast time. You sit all around the table eating breakfast before it's time for school. During that, you've let out a yawn, you were tired, already had bags under the eyes.
But you have to keep trying...

(Now your P.O.V.)

"(Y/N)? You still there?" Mr. Remus asked me, which made me jump out of my half-sleep.
"Yes!" I quickly replied.
He nodded happily and continued explaining about the roman empire, it's a history lesson.

But I wasn't listening, my mind was full with thoughts. How could we do it? Do we have to use even more accurate amounts? Recalculate everything? Maybe we need a catalyst to prevent the soul from breaking? A replacement for DT?

I shook my head slightly. I should focus on right now. This is all a matter for later...

"Hey dude, you're really alright?" Jake asked me on our way from the schoolyard. "You seem to be somewhere else with your mind." I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "I already told you, I'm fine." He walked off into the other direction after I told him that.

"But you do seem a bit worried about something," Frisk said with a concerning look. I forced myself to smile. "No, it's alright. I just... didn't sleep well the past days."
"Maybe Chara should visit you again~" Frisk smirked, and guess what? Me and Chara got a bit red on that.
"Frisk, please!" Both yelled a bit in sync. She laughed but I saw how the laugh instantly faded when she looked ahead. I looked ahead too and soon understood why.

There at the side of the building three guys, one of them I instantly recognized as Nico. They were talking and, of course, smoking. Stupid edge lord.
One of his friends tapped on his shoulder when he saw us and pointed at us. He started grinning and they came towards us.

"Hey, freaks!" He called us, I took a step ahead. "Shut up," I said in the most neutral voice I could make. They seemed a bit surprised at my response. "Don't you that's rude to-" He started but interrupted him.
"But I don't care. I'm tired and definitely not in the mood for your nonsense! So whatever you want. Shut. Up." He smiled maliciously.

"Hey listen you freak. Me and my buddies here want some cigis. But sadly, we all left our wallets home. And your fancy family surely has some money for us don't you?" He taunted us. I heard Chara grunting angrily behind me. "He wants some ass-kicking from me again, fine the- Uhm (Y/N)?" She stopped midsentence.

I started walking towards them while taking off my bag and throw it on the ground.
"Oh? You are approaching us?
(A/N) I am so sorry. ^^

"I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer." I had checked them and noticed that one of them had a baseball bat and Nico also had a brass knuckle. When I came close enough the guy with the baseball bat tried to swing at me. I grabbed the bat midair, held it upwards, kicked against the knee causing him to fall and lose his grip on the bat. He fell onto the ground, I threw the bat backward, onto his back. I didn't turn around but I heard him scream in pain.

Then the other came at me with a little knife, didn't expect that. I grabbed his hand with my left one while I used the other one to punch into his guts. He bends in pain, I took the moment, grabbed his knife, and rammed it into the back of his left arm while kicking into the back of his knee and while he was falling onto his back giving him a punch on the chest.

I while coming towards Nico he raised his fists, on his right one was the brass knuckle. He tried to punch me into my face but blocked him with my arm while I aimed for his face with full force.
He fell onto his back and screamed in pain. His nose was bleeding.
(A/N) Don't forget that (Y/N) is still on LV 20, which means way more physical power than normal.

I kneeled down to him while he tried to crawl away. "Now listen to me you arrogant dick. You see that I don't have any trouble beating the living anything out of you. So just imagine what would happen if I actually would like to hurt you. Or kill you." I said in a menacing voice, plus the bonus of the creepy face. I knew it would be useful someday.

The last thing I saw was his scared face before I went away, picking up my bag while going back to Frisk and Chara. Frisk's jaw slightly dropped, while Chara's face was a mixture of confusion and pride.

"Well, that's one way to do it," Chara said while made our way home again. "Still you were a bit rough. I don't like this idiot either, but you just could've scared them off." Frisk said thoughtfully. I bit my bottom lip a bit. "Yeah, I know. But it would've come down to this anyway."
"Yeah, that's true I guess," Frisk replied on that...

~Later at night time~

Alright, It's been two hours now, they're all asleep. I got up my bed and dressed up as silent as possible. When I finished I instantly teleported into the house, he had allowed me that to save some time. I went from the front door to the end of the hallway to a door. I opened it and went down the stairs into the basement. At the end was a gray door. I stepped in, took out my jacket, and hang it over the rack from where I also took a white lab coat, then went into the main laboratory. It took me some time to get comfortable with it.

"Ah, (Y/N). There you are." Gaster greeted me while brooding over a piece of paper. "Heya. Anything new?" I asked while pulling a chair to me and sat down. "I'm afraid not. Still the same problem that the soul keeps breaking." I let out an annoyed grunt. "If we could only prevent this from happening!" I took a deep breath.

"Alright, our situation is the following: we are able to put monster magic into soul-like form, but we can't contain it because it breaks instantly because natural monster souls have very little amounts of DT in them, so little that it's almost nothing. But it's necessary to keep the soul together. And we are not able to put that little DT into the magic. If it's too much, it just explodes! If it's actually not enough it just crumbles out of existence! And now we need something to compensate the DT together with the magic to keep the soul stable but also not causing it to explode!" Frustrated I leaned over to the massive amount of fully scribbled paper where we tried to find the right amounts.

"We need something that combines magic and DT perfectly," Gaster said thoughtfully.
"Undyne? You mentioned that she has a lot of DT." I suggested but shook his head. "No, she has way too much DT." I bit my bottom lip. Where do we find... THAT'S IT!

"What about me?" I asked with a kick of energy inside of me. "I am basically the perfect balance between DT and magic!" Gaster jumped out of the chair.
"Yes! That could work!"
"Good! Uhm, how do get the magic and DT out of me tho?" He laughed a bit. "That's not a problem. A bit of your blood should be enough."
After that, he went to get a syringe, then took a sample of my blood.

"So let's see what we can do now." He said cheerfully while walking over to the desk.
I smiled to myself mentally. Maybe we can do it...


(A/N) Once again, hypetrain!

Artwork by: Ayashiiru

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