(Part 2 Chapter 3) It's Raining... Well right here

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(A/N) Fun fact: I've actually been listening to "It's Raining Somewhere Else" while writing this :)

(Your P.O.V.)

"Oh my, it has been raining the whole morning so far." We heard Toriel from the window, the rain heavily hitting the glass. "Luckily we have weekend," Frisk said on the couch with the head hanging upside-down next to me. "Well, I have something to do, please behave while I'm away, alright?"

"Always!" Frisk gave her a thumbs up, Toriel then grabbed an umbrella and left. "Soooo, what now?" Frisk asked me and Chara, well more only me because Chara was fell asleep, once again cuddling with me. She probably forgot Frisk was here. Which now took notice of this.

"Ohhhh, get a room you two~" She smirked, I turned red instantly. "S-shut up!" I mumbled, she just smirked even more. "Oh, c'mon you two are a great couple!"
"We are not a couple!"
"Yet." Frisk (and the author) added.

"That's not true." I rambled, "Oh come on! She clearly likes you, even someone blind would notice! And you can't tell me that you don't feel a little bit for her as well, I've seen you two together. Goddammit, you share a room and a bed!" During Frisk's whole speech I just redder and redder. Then the smirk disappeared and she set up while having a serious face.

"No, seriously now, do you like her?" She asked, "Of course I like her! We're very good friends after all." I said not so red anymore now.
Frisk just facepalmed "Uhh, not as friends you cretin! I'm if you like her in a romantic way or shortly, do you love her?"
When Frisk finished I fell deep in thoughts while looking down at the sleeping Chara. I never thought about it that way, since Snowdin I always had a... Feeling when I was with her, especially like this now, but I don't know is it really love...?

"I... I don't know."
Frisk gave me an "are you kidding me?" face and before she could say something I added: "I'm not sure what I feel for her, you're right it's more than just friendship but I..."
Then I had a thought, maybe I could ask someone about this... And I already knew who! I carefully unwrapped Chara's arms around me and got up. "(Y/N)? Where are going?" Frisk asked me confused, "I have to do something." I said while putting the hood of the jacket, "And please, don't tell Chara about all of this, ok?"
"Of course." She replied and I opened the front door and stepped out, closing it again. It has been raining pretty heavily the whole morning now, I lacked the motivation to walk through this weather now so I just teleported to my destination, I hope he's home or even awake yet...

"Howdy! What can I- Oh! It's you (Y/N), come get inside."
"Thanks, Asgore," I said while taking off the hood and cleaning my shoes at the doormat,
"would you like some tea?"
"Of course." I smiled, "Sit down while go get the tea, which flavor?" He asked on his way to the kitchen, "You know me, golden flower of course!" I laughed and he went away and got the tea...

"So, what brings you here during this messy weather?" He asked while I took a sip of the tea, which was nicely warm not too hot, just perfect. For some reason, golden flower tea always calmed me mentally. "I came here because I'm unsure about myself, about my feelings to be exact."
"Which feelings specifically?" He asked me while taking a sip of his cup.
"About...Love, I think." I said unsure, he raised an eyebrow. "You think so?"
"That's why I'm here, I'm not sure what I feel," I said while looking out of the window.

"So let me guess, you've met someone, a girl I guess?" I nodded,
"And you feel something for her but can't describe what, right? So tell me what do you feel exactly?"
"Every time she is close to me I feel something like a warm feeling, like the whole world is alright as long as she is there... We understand each other great, have a lot in common, and she one of the very few persons who know about my past, and she accepts it, understands it, can relate to it. It's just great with her."

Not as bad as it seems (female Chara x male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now