(Chapter 1) A new journey

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(Your P.O.V)
*annoyed (Y/N) noises*

"Shut up!", I mumbled into my pillow as I was trying to turn off the alarm clock.

"Finally some silence" I sighed. I got up to get dressed and ready for school.

During that, I took a quick look at the calendar and realized that it was the weekend.
"Uhhhhg", I facepalmed myself and said: "I forgot to change the alarm didn't I?"

"Welp now I'm awake for no reason at...

*I looked at the clock*

7 AM in the morning... juuuuust great."

I walked across the room then stopped and looked in the little mirror on my wall.

There was just me... (Y/E/C) eyes, (Y/H/C) hair (which has gotten a bit longer than usual).

I sighed again and said to myself: "It's useless to go back to sleep, so a little walk wouldn't hurt."

So I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway, it's still dark, no one in the orphanage is awake yet.

I was carefully sneaking down the stairs and out to the front door.

As soon as I was outside and closed the door I breathed in the fresh air, it was quite cool even though it was summer.

I started to walk down the Street thinking about where I should go, but that question answered itself because as soon I started walking I heard a voice calling me.

"(Y/N)!" I turned around only to get tackle-hugged by my best friend.
"Frisk! What are you doing here?" I laughed a bit, it was obviously one of those days where Frisk has the energy like she drank 25 coffee in a row or something.

She wore her typical blue sweater with two purple stripes along with brown pants and shoes.

"I was looking for you." She said, obviously being in a good mood

"You said on Tuesday that we are gonna play in Forest near the mountain," She said,

"Did I?" I replied,

"Yes, yes you did."

I smiled "Sure why not. But aren't you're afraid of the stories of Mount Ebott?"

"Hmmm no."

"Not even a little bit?" I smirked.

"No, (Y/N)! Can we go now?"
"Yeah yeah of course." As we walked toward the mountain, my thoughts drifted off and I remembered back to the first time we meet.

~Flashback Time~

(No one's P.O.V)
You were walking down the School hallway, ready to go home as you suddenly saw a group of bullies surrounding a person on the floor in front of the lookers, you take a closer look.

"P-please stop" cried a girl, you noticed she had injuries everywhere.

"Ohhh already had enough? But we didn't even start". Said one of the bullies smirking, she started sobbing even more. That made you angry, as this somehow already happened before and you decided to step in.

"HEY!" you shouted and they all turned around confused.

"And who are you"? One of them replied.
"Leave her alone," You respond as calmly as could despite the situation.
"Pffff haha haha!" They started laughing which made you even angrier, gritting your teeth and form your right hand into a fist.

"I said" you took a step forwards them "leave her alone right now," you spoke this sentence in a tone that didn't sound like it came from a human at all.

Not as bad as it seems (female Chara x male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now