(Chapter 10) The man who speaks in hands

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(A/N) Before we start this chapter a little note here:
due to the fact that the story has been going extremly well (by the time I'm writing this we have reached 442 reads)
I will change the upload schedule from next week on to two chapters per week. One on monday, one on friday.
Also currently I have two weeks of holidays which allow me to write more. But I'm probably not able to keep up the two chapter schedule forever, but I should be able to keep it for 2 or 3 weeks.  


We start with your P.O.V. after you and Frisk took a little break after Undyne chasing you.

"Well, I think we should get going," Frisk stated as she stood up after we rested a bit.
I just nodded and stood up as well and we both went on.

After a while of walking a wasn't really paying attention and said to Frisk "Now I'm starting to understand why you were afraid of...Uhm Frisk?" I asked while realizing that Frisk was gone.

"Where is she?" I asked Chara who was luckily still with me.

"I don't know." She said also confused.

We were in a long hallway which had apparently no end or beginning, we looked to our left there was a simple gray door in the wall.

"What is this here?" I asked, but Chara looked confused too.

"I don't know, that never happened in one of the other timelines."
"Should we go inside?" I asked, I was curious about this and Chara nodded.

I turned the knob around and opened the door, I peeked inside and saw an apparently empty gray room, then we both stepped in. After a while, we were inside and saw a figure in the middle of the room.

"Ah finally you arrive, you indeed took your time." Said the figure in a voice tone which made me shiver and it sounded glitched?

The figure turned around to face us, it was a tall figure the complete body was pitch black and didn't seem to have a solid form the head was a skull with two cracks and white pupils in the eyesockets, it was a skeleton.

"Mhm? You two are not the person I hoped to arrive here, but that doesn't matter."

Wait it knows that Chara is here?

(Chara's P.O.V.)

I can't believe he's here, he was claimed lost during an experiment but there he stood, dad's old scientist...

Dr. W.D Gaster

"The souls of you two will be enough for me to return!"
Then at high velocity a black tentacle flung towards me, I wasn't able to react fast enough so it would have hit me but...
(Y/N) jumped in front of me while pushing me aside but he wasn't able to dodge and took the full hit.

- 20 HP

The hit was so hard he flew through the entire room and smashed against a wall.

"(Y/N)!" I yelled and wanted to look for him, this hit would've killed any human without some LOVE!

But before I could reach him I saw how to my right a blaster (with one blue and one orange pupil) appeared and was about to fire, I jumped back to dodge the blast while also pulling out the real knife which I still had in my pocket, just in the right time as another tentacle aimed toward me.

Before it could hit me I cut it in half, the same happened with two others but before I could block a third one three bone formed as spikes hit it vaporizing it completely, I looked to where those came from and there was (Y/N) back up.

Not as bad as it seems (female Chara x male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now