(Chapter 7) A little closer

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(A/N) This chapter might contain topics which could be uncomfortable for some people,

(even though I'm not sure if it counts) Anyway, you've been warned.

(Chara's P.O.V.)

I woke up because something was moving I sat up and noticed (Y/N) was twitching and mumbling in his sleep, is he having a nightmare?

Should I wake him up? Wait why do I even care?

I came a little closer and thought to myself he seems so different from normal humans, not only his soul is different but the way he acts towards me so... kind.

He's not disgusted with me around, not creeped out by me. Then I thought of what he said to me before.

"I think your eyes are pretty." Pretty... No human called me like that before, I smiled to myself, I hope he's alright.

Then he jumped out of his sleep yelling so suddenly it scared the crap out of me.
"NO!" He yelled.

He sat there heavily breathing with tears in his eyes and... his left eye had a purple color but I chose to ignore it for now.

"Hey, calm down everything is alright," I said trying to calm him down, he looked at me with an expression of pure horror then without any warning he came to me and hugged me sobbing on my shoulder.

I was completely confused, I wanted to tell him to let go off me but a feeling was holding me back.

I slightly hugged back and said, "It's alright it was just a bad dream was it?."

He seemed to have calmed down a bit he let go of me his eye back to normal.
"N-no not a dream...memories..." He said still heavily breathing.
"Wait, memories? So you remember a little more?" I asked him.
"Not a little so... So much at once I... I think I need some fresh air." He stood up.

"Wait I'm coming with you!" I said to him I was worried but also curious.
"You don't have to-" He started.
"But I want to, so let's go." I replied stubbornly he smiled a bit "Ok."

We both walked out of the room, went downstairs, and outside then we made our way a bit out of town to the river where we sat down. He sighed and looked at the river.

After a while, I chose to break the silence "So what did you remember?" Then I realized how stupid I was asking him that!
He just had a mental break down because of that what he saw and I ask him about it so casually.

"I'm sorry you don't have to tell me whe-"
"No, it's alright that you ask." He said "I remembered so much from my old life now: my mother explaining to me my soul, my father teaching me magic, me and my little sister trying to get some cookies." he smiled sadly.

"And humans..." I heard the anger and hate rising in his voice. "They... killed mom and dad..." He looked down "I'm... so sorry (Y/N)." And I truly was "And then?"

He rubbed his head thinking "Then the humans took us into a laboratory and experimented with us." He pulled up a sleeve revealing a few old scars "For almost year..."


This is sick! Even for Humans!

"An entire year!?"

He just nodded sadly, "What then?" He took a deep breath "During an experiment my sister... died, a giant rage hit me, I broke free and killed every goddamn human in this lab! I SLAUGHTERED EVERY SINGLE ONE!" He yelled. "Then after realizing my sister was dead I lost every single bit of hope and determination..." He ended."I need a moment." And we went silent again.

Not as bad as it seems (female Chara x male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now