(Chapter 11) Determination

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(Your P.O.V.)

We were back at Waterfall and stood next to a telescope, I was worried that Frisk heard what Gaster said about Chara.

Then I noticed something was dripping down my right cheek, it was blood from the wound from the fight with Gaster.

"Frisk?" I asked while turning to her,
"Yes?" She turned to me.
"Does this look bad?" I asked her while pointing at the wound.
She took a closer look and bit her bottom lip.

"No, not that bad, but it will leave scar I think, wait, here." She said while putting an old bandage on the injury. "That should do it."

"Thank you," I replied to her.
"Uhm (Y/N)? Can I talk to you alone?" She asked suddenly.
I looked around, we were completely alone, except Chara of course who stood behind me.

"Well we are already alone so go ahead."
"No, I mean completely alone." She answered.

Oh shit, she heard what Gaster said, this bad, this really bad!

"I don't think I know what you mean." I tried to sound confused.
"I don't I just... I have a weird feeling that someone else is with us and also listing right now, and also..." She bit her lip once more and put her arms in front of her stomach like she's uncomfortable "It feels like that you're not honest with me and like you don't trust me." She said while sniffing a bit, is she crying?

I went over to her quickly hugged her to comfort her. "Hey, you know that's not true you're my best friend after all, and I do trust you, and if there is something I would, of course, tell you ok?"

I was lying, I was lying to her despite the fact that she's been there for me for two years, I just felt bad for this, but it's necessary is it? How will she react when I tell her? Will she hate me, will she understand? What are the consequences for me, Frisk and Chara?

I will tell her but not yet, I'm not ready, not ready to reveal this lie, Chara probably either.

"Yeah, you're right, sorry that was stupid." She apologized while wiping a few tears away.

"No, it's alright that you asked me this and if there are any other things like this on your mind please tell me, I promise I'll help you." It hurts, it hurts that I have to lie to her in such a way.

But I won't leave her alone, I won't fail them...not again. I won't give in, I won't give up I will stay strong, I will stay determined.

"I- I promised something remember?" I said to her while looking in her eyes still hugging her "I promised I'll help you, that I'll be there for you no matter what, and I swear to god if there is one I won't break this promise."

"Thank you (Y/N)." She hugged me tightly.

"No need to thank me just remember that I'm with you, but now I think we should go on should we?"
"Yes let's go." So we continued.

We were walking on a path with blue glowing grass, to our left and right was also bright blue glowing water as well as many echo flowers.
Frisk let out a little yawn.

"You, ok there?" I asked her.
"Yeah just tired,(Because PLOT!)
can we stop here and take a break?" She asked while pointing to a spot with some grass and echo flowers.

"Of course." We both walked over there and I and Chara sat down while Frisk made herself comfortable in the grass and laid down. "You should sleep a bit too." She said to me, then turned around and a few minutes later I heard that she was asleep.

"You know..." Chara said to me while looked at the river, "Frisk can be really thankful they have a friend like you, not everyone has a person who tries that hard to be there for someone." She smiled a bit.

Not as bad as it seems (female Chara x male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now