(Chapter 3) The truth

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(A/N) Quick note up ahead this chapter is uploaded before the regular schedule due to the fact that we got to the 100 reads which, if I'm honest didn't expect to reach so fast, so this chapter will be uploaded a day earlier and tomorrow (Wednesday) I will upload the next one, and we'll be back to the regular schedule.

Thanks to everyone and I hope you enjoy this story.   


(Your P.O.V.)

..."Greetings my name is Chara."

I turned around as fast as could to look where the voice came from.

In front of me stood a girl around my age, as tall as me. She had shoulder-long brown hair, a somewhat natural blush on her face, and she has blood-red eyes. She wore brown shoes, black leggings under brown shorts and a shirt like the one Toriel gave me.

She smiled but it was not really a smile more like a creepy grin which made somewhat uncomfortable.

I moved my hand slowly down to my pocket to grab the toy knife but as soon as grabbed the grip she said: "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"I don't know what you mean..." Then suddenly she ran towards me way faster than I could react.

She was right in front of me and held a knife (which was definitely not made out of plastic) at my throat.

"Hey, don't look so pale just leave that thing where it is and we are going to understand each other great, ok?", She simply said.

I had no other choice so I moved my hand away from the knife.
She smiled took a step away and put her knife in her pocket.

"See, wasn't that hard was it?" She said
"I think I'm capable of moving my hand away from something," I replied.

She giggled a bit.
"Well not everyone would have listened to me and would have tried to attack me." Then her voice switched in a more serious tone.

"Like your little friend Frisk... She's really into stabbing people you know?"

"What!?" I almost yelled.
"Frisk? You got to be kidding me."

Then she let out a little sigh and looked at me "Sit down, this is gonna take a while."
She sat down on the flowers, I hesitated a bit but then sat down as well.

"So when did fall through that hole to get here?" She asked.

"About 4 hours now," I replied

"And when do you think Frisk fell?" That was such a weird question but I answered.

"Maybe half or one hour before me."

She looked a bit down a bit and said "No by now it's been probably several months maybe even a year..."

"What? That's completely impossible!"

"Well, it is possible that's the point." I stared at her in disbelief but listened.

"(Y/N) that's your name right?" I nodded but how does she know this?

"At the beginning of the fight with... that Flower you saw your SOUL right?"

I nodded again "So you DO know about that and you also saw Frisk soul? Which color did it have?"

"It was a bright glowing red which as far to my knowledge is a DETERMINATION Soul trait right?"

She seemed surprised "From where do you know this?" "I-i think heard it from someone." "You think so?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I don't remember it completely, but how is a determination trait important for this?" I asked she sighed again.

Not as bad as it seems (female Chara x male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now