(Part 2 Chapter 11) Is it different now or still the same?

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(Frisk's P.O.V.)

Oh god, how long are they going to take to get up? If Toriel checks on these two they'll be in huge trouble!

(Your P.O.V.)

"Yes, I know that we have to hurry!" I told Chara while jumping up and down trying to get my pants on. "Oh yeah! If mom saw that we..." Then finally got dressed fully. I was about to open the door but Chara held my arm. "We forgot the sheets." She simply stated.
"OH SHOOT!" And I ran over to the bed to change the sheets.

"Ah, good morning you two!" Toriel greeted us when we walked downstairs. And after that, the morning routine went as usual...

"By the way, you two owe me something," Frisk said on our way to school.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused and Frisk gave me her neutral face of displeasure.
"That fact that I saved you from being caught by mom! When we got home you two were NAKED in one bed! And I pretty sure I know what you did!" After Frisk's speech, my face just heated up like an oven, Chara blushed deeply too. "Well thank you, I'll pay for the next we're at Grillby's ok?" Frisk smiled again.

"I'm alright with that! But still not over the fact that you two had your first date and afterward took each other's virginity!" AAHH! Why is Frisk so straight forward?
"S-shut up!" Chara mumbled next to me.

"Nah, I'm proud of ya." Frisk continued, I raised an eyebrow. "I mean you're both socially awkward as hell but are still a couple! And that before I ever had a crush!" Frisk laughed.
"You can ask Sans if he's free." I joked, while Frisk jumped up, Chara just bursted out into laughter.
"EW NO!" Frisk yelled. "pal, i heard that!" Sans yelled from his hotdog stand to us, wait since when...? Ahrg nevermind.
(A/N) No offence to the frans shippers btw. I'm just joking here.

"Anyway," We went on when Chara was finished with laughing. "Didn't Toriel mention last week that this week is the first practical lesson in magic?"
"Yeah, she did," Frisk replied while Chara snored. "Shite, I can't wait to see everyone's faces when the three of us show up and are basically already capable of everything." That confused Frisk a bit.
"Wait, since when did you knew magic?" She asked. "About a couple of weeks now." Chara shrugged, "I trained with (Y/N)."
"Ah, I see. Yeah, make sense, considering the fact that he's probably the "magic-expert" here." 

"Hey, I think you're giving me too much credit here," I replied shyly, but these two just laughed.
"Oh come on, can we teleport over the continent in a blink of an eye? No, can you do it? Yes, yes you can!" Chara grinned, then came over and gave me a quick peek on the cheek, which made me flustered again.

"Oww, the ship is sailing again!" Frisk celebrated next to us.
"FRISK! SHUT UP!" Me and Chara yelled in sync...

"Alright class, please follow me." Toriel led us over the back schoolyard, which was our's, the front one at the entrance is the one for the elementary school, with which we share the building.
(A/N) I dunno if that's a thing in Amerika/England/or where ever, in my school it is.

"Alright everyone, please split up into groups of three." Me, Frisk, and Chara instantly went together.
"When everyone has found a group, take some distance from the other groups. We don't want anyone to get hurt here. And if I see somebody doing nonsense he or she can sit down on that bench over there and watch the rest of the lesson!" Toriel admonished the class.

The lesson went pretty simple, I didn't practice myself and helped Frisk and Chara while watching how the class miserably failed. Me, Frisk, and Chara showed off some of our magic when Toriel walked around to look at the progress...

Not as bad as it seems (female Chara x male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now