(Part 2 Chapter 10) Even closer

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(A/N) Attention: This chapter contains sexual content, if you're not at a suitable age or don't want to read lemon then leave NOW...

Ok, it seems like you're still here, so enjoy this shit!
I'm also surprised that no one complained about the "infertile thing" from the last chapter.
Also, I just wanna remind you, both of them are 16 so it's all fine and legal here.

(Your P.O.V)

"Mom! We're home!" Chara called Toriel when we stepped inside, but no one answered. "Where is everyone?" I asked after I closed the door. Chara went to the coffee table and picked something up, I went to her and she gave me a note:

"(Y/N) and Chara,
I'm currently away doing some business and Frisk stays with MK since she didn't want to be alone but we didn't know when you two would come home. We'll both be back soon, if you're hungry, there is some pie in the fridge.


"Oh, so we're alone I guess..." I stated a bit surprised, Chara looked a bit thoughtful. "What do we wanna do?" Then her face instantly lightened up and a smirk came to her face. "I have an idea, come here." I came a little closer, then she wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me into a passionate kiss after we moved our lips away from each other we looked into each other's eyes. "How about... we finish what we started earlier?" She had a seductive smile on her face, and I felt how I was getting into the mood again. "You sure?" She smirked widely and with that, the question was answered. She grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs into my room.

When we were inside we instantly started kissing each other again while also getting over to the bed, that we made it without falling onto the floor was a miracle. We both took out our shoes then she knocked me onto the bed, sat down on my lap without breaking the kiss. During this, my right hand went down from her back again underneath her skirt while gently running over her bottom, she back off a little because she had to gasp a little but then started kissing me again, while my hand even further down slowly taking off her stockings.

Then we both sat up her being still in my lap like before, our noses were touching while she was taking off her jacket and I did the same. After that, my left hand and went under her shirt running over her bare back without any interruptions, she still refused to wear a bra.

Then she got a little up supporting herself with her knees, I took my chance and grabbed her skirt with my left hand and pulled it down, leaving her only in her panties and shirt. But she got for what I was up to so she got up and then, without any warning, grabbed my pants and pulled them down. I took off my shirt afterward.
"Oh my, I definitely like what I see~," She said seductively while running over my chest with her index finger, I just had to smirk with her. "Oh I know, it's time for the equalization." Then she moved her hands down to the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up, revealing her bare breasts.

"Do you like what you see~" Only by her voice I knew she was getting hornier and hornier.
"Oh, you bet I do," I smirked back, "Good then go ahead, touch me. No need to be shy." Now that surprised me a little bit. "Don't worry, I want you to do it." So I moved my right hand up her stomach area until I reached her right breast. I grabbed it gently, squeezing her a bit which caused her to let out a moan. I continued for a bit and with every squeeze, her moans were getting louder. Then she grabbed my hand and looked at me, "How about we take it a step further?~" Then she moved her hand down to my underwear, then pulled it down showing off my by now fully erected dick.

"Oh my, I didn't know it could get that big." Then she grabbed my dick which made me flinch a bit, which made Chara look a little worried. "Are you alright?" She asked me, I nodded after I calmed a bit, well as best as it's possible when a naked girl sits in front of you and is holding your cock. "I'm just not used to... someone else touching that area." On that, she got her Seductive smile back. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle~" On that, she grabbed it a bit more firm, causing me to breathe out heavily. Then she started slowly jerking off my dick, it felt so gooood. Her warm hands around my dick. But after a while, she stopped, I was about to ask what is wrong but then she grabbed my shoulders and pinned me into the pillows of the bed. Then laid down on her stomach, her face directly in front of my dick. Wait will she...?

Not as bad as it seems (female Chara x male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now