(Part 2 Chapter 7) Just love

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(This takes place two weeks after the last chapter)

(Chara's P.O.V.)

I woke up and was expecting (Y/N) to lie next to me, but he wasn't there. I straightened up and looked around, he was not in the room, on the bedside table lay a bunch of golden flowers and a note. After rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I grabbed the note and read it.

There simply stood: You matter.

Did he...? Wait a minute... Today is my... birthday... Did he really?

I jumped out of the bed and got dressed as fast as I could and stormed out of the room.
"Hehe, finally the princess woke up." He laughed downstairs. I looked through the room, on the ceiling was a happy birthday banner, on the cafe table laid a bunch of gifts and on the dining table stood a chocolate cake with a 16 written on it.

(Your P.O.V.)

She just stood there her jaw dropped and her eyes looking through the room. Then without any warning, she ran, no almost jumped down the stairs, and stopped in front of me.
"Happy birthday!" I grinned while she just stood there completely perplexed.

"Did... did you make that all?" She asked still not believing what she's seeing. I rubbed the back of my head.
"Well not exactly. It was my idea but since I couldn't tell anyone besides Frisk, so I had to improvise."
"I told everyone that a very good friend of mine soon would have their birthday but wasn't expecting any gifts. And you can't believe how eager everyone was to get something!" I laughed.

"Even Sans got his lazy ass up and got something. I gave them a few hints here and there but nothing that could break our cover. Then I got a recipe for a chocolate cake from Toriel, and well here we are... Do you like it?" Chara just stared at me like she stopped working then jumped forward and hugged me.
"Thank you." She just mumbled into my shoulder, I slightly patted her back.
"No problem. And now it's time to open some gifts!" She let go of me and we sat down on the couch, Chara chooses the first one to open.

"From mom," Chara said happily when she looked at the name tag, after she unpacked she pulled out a fluffy green sweater with a yellow stripe on which she gave me a skeptical look.
"I said I gave them a few hints." I defended myself, "I also have no clue what the others got except for Frisk." She put on the sweater.

"And the next is from... (Y/N) and Frisk. You got something together?" She asked while opening it.
"We had to, these were quite expensive." She pulled out a set of pencils, markers, note blocks, and other art supplies.
"Frisk had the idea." I added, "Wow, can't believe she remembered it, I only mentioned once that I like drawing." She said with the brightest and happiest smile of the past months.

"And this is from... Sans?" She laughed, "He really did got something, hehe." She laughed while pulling out a green hoodie with also a Deltarune on the back, she put it on too.
"How do I look?" She asked, I smiled back.
"Great as always!" That made two of us blush.

"Then well it's clear from which one this is." She showed me a gift labeled with "From the Great Papyrus". She pulled out a red scarf with also a Deltarune on the end, just like mine.

"This one here... from Undyne." She unpacked it, "A self-written cookbook?" She raised an eyebrow and opened it and read a page then snored.
"Oh god, here look at this." She started doing her best Undyne impression.
"For the sauce stir as FAST as you can with your magic spear, if you don't have one, then you're a LOSER!" We both laughed.

"Ah from Alphys!" She unpacked it. "A lot of animes, cartoons, movies, collector's editions from series, nice!" She said happily.

"Where is the one from dad?" She asked, "Oh! He got the flowers for me which I left for you." I said embarrassed.

Not as bad as it seems (female Chara x male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now