(Part 2 Chapter 13) Marriage!

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(A/N) You can't believe how FUCKING HARD it was to find a fitting artwork of Chara in a dress.

(Your P.O.V.) A couple of days after the last chapter

We were in Frisk's room, who sat at her desk doing the last bit of homework we got from Toriel. While me and Chara sat on the bed, she sat between my legs her head laying on my chest while I snuggled my face into her soft hair.

"What was the average magic output of a Perseverence trait again?" Frisk asked me, I raised my head a bit of Chara's hair.

"It was about 15,5 Cochrane," I replied and placed my face back into Chara's hair.
(A/N) Yes I know this is from Star Trek, I'M A NERD OK?

"Thanks!" Frisk replied while closing her book, then turned around to us. She was so focused on her homework that she didn't notice the position that we were in, she smirked a little bit.

"Soooo, when you're getting married?" Frisk jokingly asked, but it took me and Chara off guard.
"WHAT?" Chara jumped up, hitting my chin with her head. I let out a quick "ouch!"
Which made Chara look for me, "(Y/N)! Sorry, are you ok?" I laughed it off. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Oh my god." Frisk facepalmed a little, "You guys are HILARIOUS!" Frisk laughed. "Frisk! That's not funny." Chara replied a little upset. "Why do you keep picking on us?" Frisk gave her the neutral face of displeasure.

"I'm just teasing jeez... But seriously, have you thought about the future?" I and Chara both raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that a little bit early? I mean, I'm happy with (Y/N) but we've only been together for a couple of weeks. Besides we are both not old enough just yet." Chara replied.

"Yeah, I know. But I'm just saying." Frisk answered but then shook her head like she always does when she remembers something. "Aren't we supposed to get the post today?"
"Oh right, who's going?" I asked.
"I was yesterday," Chara responded.
"And I was the day before yesterday." Frisk raised her arms in defense. "Fine, I'm going," I said and got up to leave the room.

(Chara's P.O.V.)

He just left the room then Frisk started speaking again, "So... How is it going with the love?" Frisk asked. "You ask me that every week, you know? It's great as always." I laughed a bit.
"Are you still getting flustered when he flirts with you~" Frisk tried to tease me, I blushed a bit.
"M-maybe." Frisk laughed. "Well, then my mission was a success!" I raised an eyebrow.
"What mission?"

"Well, I gave (Y/N) "Flirt lessons" since I'm the flirt queen here!" Frisk celebrated herself.
"Well, at least I'm not flirting with anyone's MOTHER!"
"Wait, I never flirted with anyone's moth-... * realization* Oh..."
At that moment (Y/N) came back into the room, holding two envelopes in his hands.
"Uh, just a bill." He mumbled when he looked at the first, but on the second he sat up a skeptical face, he opened it and read it.

"And?" Frisk asked curiously, (Y/N) laughed a bit. "Well, you were somewhat right with the marriage. It's an invitation to Undyne's Alphys's wedding!" Now that came outta nowhere.
"Wait wait wait wait." Frisk said quickly, "These two are getting married? Haha! That's amazing!" Frisk laughed.
"It's even funnier considering that you were the one who helped them to confess!" I joked, Frisk rubbed her head awkwardly. "When is the wedding?" I asked (Y/N).

"In two weeks, on Saturday."
"Great! That means it's the weekend and we can go too!" Frisk celebrated. "I never was at a wedding." Me and (Y/N) gave a skeptical face. "Do you think one of us was?" We answered in sync, which made Frisk smirk again.
"Hehe, the sync talk is back. And hey (Y/N), be happy." She smirked even wider, "You get to see Chara in a dress~" I looked at (Y/N), who turned red instantly.
"I bet she looks hot in a dress...." He mumbled really quietly to himself.
"I heard that you know?" I laughed, while he turned red even more and then turned to Frisk.
"Permission to leave the room?"
"Granted." Frisk suppressed her laugh, while (Y/N) teleported away.
A few seconds later I heard him screaming into his pillow in the next room.

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