(Chapter 12) The spear of justice

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(Your P.O.V.)

"Nice melody," I said after Frisk put an umbrella on the statue and a music box started playing. "Yeah" Frisk replied smiling a bit.

We went back into the next room where we both grabbed an umbrella, I also put on the hood of the jacket.

We walked down a long hallway with rain dropping down on us and waterfalls to our right, the whole way covered with puddles, after a while we saw, standing on the side.

"Yo, you got an umbrella? Awesome!" He went under Frisk's umbrella, while Chara stood under mine.
"Let's go!"

We went on, I looked down into one of the puddles and saw my reflection.
I smiled a little when I looked into my two red eyes, they were darker then I remember not so bright anymore, but blood-red like Chara's, maybe cause of the LV?
I snapped myself back in reality and continued walking.

After a while, we were out of the hallway and stood at a cliff with an amazing view of a castle in the distance.

"Wow." I simply stated while admiring the view. "It's beautiful."
"Yes, it is," Frisk replied also looking in the distance.
We stood there for a minute then continued.

After we put the umbrellas away we stood in front of a smaller cliff where we couldn't climb up.
"So now?" I asked Frisk but Monster Kid answered for her.
"Yo, you wanna see Undyne? Climb on my shoulders!" He said to Frisk, so she did.
When she was on top she reached my hand to climb up, but I just smirked and teleported me and Chara next to her. "That's easier don't you think?" Frisk just giggled we continued walking.

We walked another wooden bridge as the one Undyne chased us.
"I have a bad feeling about this." I felt something was going to happen and I was right, around us multiple blue lights appeared, and then spears stabbed from the ground.

I looked on the bridge below us there stood Undyne.
"FOLLOW ME!" Frisk yelled to me while we started running and I noticed real quick why Frisk wanted me to follow her.
The whole bridge was a giant labyrinth leading left, right, backwards, forwards and Undyne still chasing us on the bridge below.

I followed Frisk through the labyrinth while still dodging Undyne's attacks which were getting faster and faster.

After a while, we reached a dead-end which led into the abyss.
"So what now?" I asked Frisk, I felt less exhausted than the last time.
"Go back." She said simply,
"Frisk, are you perhaps short of a marble?" I asked her.
"No, we'll be fine trust me ok?"

"If you say so."

We went a few steps back but on the bridge stood no other then Undyne, I prepared for a fight and thought we were gonna fight on this bridge, kinda melodramatic tho.

But Undyne simply raised her right hand and three spears broke the bridge causing me, Frisk, and Chara to fall into the darkness...

"Hey wake up!" I heard I distant voice calling me.
"Wake up you idiot!" Then a pain on my face and I straighten up.
"You're finally awake," Chara said sitting next to me, we were in a bed of flowers,
kinda a Déjà-vu.

"Yeah, thanks for waking me up." I said, "Where's-?"
I looked around me, Frisk laid not far away from me also getting up.
"Are you alright?" I checked on her."
"I'm alright, you?" I nodded, we both got up and made our way through a lot of garbage...

"I'm gonna go home now." MK(Monster kid) said before running away but he tripped and fell off the bridge but was somehow to hold on with his feet and teeth, the Undyne appeared on the bridge as well.
I hesitated a bit but then ran with Frisk to MK, grabbing his head pulling him back on the bridge, Undyne came closer.
"Y-yo dude, if you want to hurt my friends, you're gonna have to get through me, first." He said to Undyne in a firm voice while standing in front of us.

Not as bad as it seems (female Chara x male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now