(Chapter 5) Stepping out into the darkness

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(A/N) Heya, this Chapter here is uploaded a day earlier as a little celebration of Undertale's 5th anniversery, tomorrow comes the next one, anyway I won't bother you any longer enjoy! 

(Your P.O.V.)

As soon as we step through the door a sudden cold hit me and I noticed we stood on snow.

"Snow? How the hell is it snowing here? We're in the Underground!" I said while shivering a bit.

"I dunno," Frisk replied. We stood in a Snowy Forest, Frisk was already about to go but I stopped her by grabbing her arm.

"Frisk wait, could explain to me what that Flower meant by that you try Mercy now. As well why he acted like you two know each other." I asked her, I had to act like I don't know about the RESETs and the genocide Timeline.

"U-Uhm I don't know what he meant." She answered nervously "And why he acted like this."

I raised an eyebrow and set a look of skepticism then sighed.

"Frisk you know you can tell everything no matter what ok," I said with a concerned look.

"Yes, I know." She said while we were looking us in the eyes...oh crap.

The reaction came immediately, she jumped up a bit and took a step back,

"W-what happened to your eye!?" She yelled and I knew she's panicking because this must remind her of Chara.

"This, it's nothing bad... I think... I believe it has to do with my Soul and the Underground." I said without sounding too casual, that's the best excuse I could think of.

"O-ok if you say so." She said weakly.
"What did you think it was?" I asked as we started walking down a path in the forest.

"I-i don't know it just surprised me."

I had an uncomfortable feeling that we're being watched as we stepped over a long branch a few seconds later we heard a loud *SNAP* behind us.

I spun around to look, there was no one there only the branch was broken in half

"We're not alone."
I said to Frisk she just nodded, she was afraid too, doesn't she already know everything? I looked over to Chara, she wasn't bothered at all.

We reached a bridge with a...? Gate thingy with bars? Right before we stepped on the bridge we heard footsteps behind us which were coming closer, we were both frozen in place both full of fear.

"Human, Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand."
I turned around because I was closer, a figure had its hand extended for a handshake so I shock its hand.

*Whoopee cushion noise*

"hehe... the ol' whoopee cushion in the hand trick it's ALWAYS funny."

I laughed a bit then I looked up and saw a small skeleton wearing a gray shirt, a blue hoodie, black shorts, and pink slippers.

A skeleton.

"uhh you k' kid?" He asked, "you look like you've seen a ghost or somethin."

"Yeah I'm fine," I replied when I recovered myself from the shock, what just happened?

"good, anyway i'm sans, sans the skeleton. i'm actually supposed to be on watch for humans right now but y'know I don't care about capturing anybody.

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