(Part 2 Chapter 6) Giving an idea

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(Your P.O.V)

I stopped in the middle of me, getting dressing and looked in the bathroom mirror. I examined my neck and noticed a hickey there. I turned deep red again. If someone sees this I'm dead, I thought while putting on my scarf so that it covered the hickey.

I sneaked downstairs and out the front door. There waited Chara for me, we agreed to go to the park alone.

When we arrived at the park there were only a few people there since it's pretty early. We sat down on a bench. After a few moments of awkward silence, she finally spoke.

"Well... (Y/N), about what happened yesterday... I hope you not mad at me or think anything weird." She talked in an unsure voice.
"No, it's alright. I mean I did let it happen for the first few seconds... Also, have you done something like this before? It left quite a souvenir." I said while pulling down the scarf a bit to show her.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry, I don't know why I did this, I couldn't think probably." She rambled trying to apologize, I put my arm on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes.
"Hey, it's ok. Let's just... forget about this and focus on other things, ok?" I gave her a gentle smile.
"Yeah, you're right." She replied, calm again.

After that, we sat there enjoying the cold breeze, when a woman with a child walked past us.
"Mommy, mommy! Can I go to my friends now?" The kid asked excitedly.
"Of course sweetie! It's your birthday after all!" And the kid ran off, the mother following.

When they went far enough away Chara started speaking again.
"You know, for most of my life, I never understood why a birthday is so special. For me it was terrible as always, the people giving me the feeling that I don't matter. Until well the Underground of course." Chara smiled a little at the last bit.
"Wow... Not even your birthday was nice, must've really sucked, huh?" I still felt sorry for what she had to experience.
"When is your birthday anyway?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Mhmm, let me think... In two weeks."
"In two weeks already?" I had an idea... Yeah! This is great!

(Chara's P.O.V.)

He looked thoughtful but smirked at the same time when I said him when my birthday is.
What is he planning?

Timeskip to the next day (Monday) and back to your P.O.V.

"Alright, class! Today we're playing dodgeball!" Our PE teacher Mr. Pirckleton (Don't question how I got this name!) said eagerly, half of the class was complaining about it. I was so far fine with it, it's not like I have a problem with physical stuff. After we got split up into two teams we started playing.

(Chara's P.O.V.)

They've been playing for quite a bit now. Only Frisk and (Y/N) are left in their team. Frisk can dodge good but is getting slowly exhausted. But (Y/N) is fully casual, his hands in the pockets of pants and dodging in a way even Sans would be proud of, and he's not even breaking a sweat.
I stopped myself in thought, since when did I stopped calling Sans "comedian"? I snored a little,
I guess the time with (Y/N) did really change me.

"Oh come on (Y/N)! Stop it right this instant!" Jake on the other team complained after (Y/N) just caught two balls at a time.
"Nope. Not happening." He just replied, making me laugh. I liked him, more than just a friend. But I don't know how to show it...

"Alright, the lesson's over! You can go!" The teacher stated.

(Your P.O.V.)

"Seriously how on earth are you doing this?" Jake asked while we were leaving the schoolyard,
I just shrugged.
"I dunno." He just gave me a "not amused" look and walked off, when I heard another voice behind me and Frisk.

"Hey (Y/N)~" I turned around and there stood Lena trying to seduce me for the... I stopped counting how often.
"Urgh, go away." My mood went down immediately.
"You were amazing back in sport!" Is she even listening?
"Go away Lena, he doesn't want anything from you." Frisk came into the conversation, also a little annoyed. Lena's expression changed to jealousy instantly.
"Go away! He's already mine! Who would even want you?" Frisk just raised an eyebrow but my "triggered" meter just reached a hot point.

"Lena... I swear, leave now." I said in a harsh tone.
She gave me a worried look then went back to her usual face.
"What lies about me did she told you! I'M GONNA PROVE IT OTHERWISE!" She jumped to me trying to pin me down, which took me by surprise.
"LET F*CKING GO OF ME!" I pushed her off but held my scarf causing it to go off and revealing it...

"Wha?" I heard that from Lena and Frisk at the same time. I instantly turned red and panicked. Grabbing my scarf back from Lena then pulling Frisk behind a corner and teleported us away, before she could follow us.

"Uff." I sunk onto the ground next to a wall where I brought us. I looked up, Chara stood there just as red as me. And Frisk was still processing what happened. I was about to put the scarf but Frisk kneeled down and held my arm looking at my neck.
"Who was this?" She just asked, I was too embarrassed so I looked away.

"Chara? Was that you?" Frisk turned to her, I looked up to Chara who just nodded. Then Frisk started smiling widely.
"Finally you two are doing something!" She said happily.
"What?" Chara was 100% confused.
"FRISK! We're not a couple!" I mumbled into the scarf which I put back on.
"Oh c'mon, she already gave you a hickey!" Frisk snored.
"It wasn't meant like this!" Chara tried to defend us.
"Then what happened?" After we explained the story to her she just stated:

"You two are somewhat adorable, you know?"


(A/N) Sorry for the short chapter! The next one's better I swear! :(
This one here is just the biggest filler chapter ever...

Artwork by: CorenB

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