(Part 2 Chapter 1)A new life

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(No one's P.O.V.)

You were walking down the street to school, Chara invisible next to you. It's been almost a month now since monsters came to the surface, surprisingly humans accepted the monsters really quickly.

They all integrated into the society great, Toriel became a teacher at the school, Undyne became part of the police force, many were skeptical about this but after she arrested like 32 criminals in two weeks all the doubt was gone.

Alphys retired and lives with Undyne now, Muffet opened a little bakery, Grillby reopened his bar at the surface, Mettaton got his own TV channel, Sans got a job as comedian at Grillby's, what Papyrus was doing, well nobody knew.(No the author was too stupid to think of anything!)

Dr. Gaster leads the newly founded monster-human science team and got already got a few awards for his works, and Asgore lives in a little house and became a gardener.

Frisk has acted as the ambassador for the monsters and had done great work and now that humans and monsters are on good terms now she doesn't have to do this anymore, sure there a very few dickheads who don't like the monsters, but nothing serious.

As for you, well you have't chanced a lot since the monsters were freed, you still wore the clothing style from the Underground, you and Frisk live with Toriel, Sans got you a new jacket which fits you a little better and it has a Deltarune on the back, you also still had the green shirt with the yellow stripe because you somewhat like having partner look with Chara. Oh and she thought you the creppy face. Which made Frisk threw a pillow at you because you've such a genius that you had to try it out by scaring her. 

Today was the first School day, the students got free for while as a celebration as monsters came to surface.

(Your P.O.V.)

"And here I am again." I sighed when I set foot on the School yard, I hope I don't get to much attention from everyone, luckily I always kept myself in the background. As I was walking to the entrance I heard a familiar voice,

"Hey (Y/N)! Is that you?" And towards me came Jake, he was one of the persons I got along more or less but I wouldn't call him friend, he was an athletic guy,a little shorter then me or Chara since we are about he same height, he wore a blue jeans, and a red sweater.

"Yes it's me." I greeted him my hands in the pockets of the jacket, "Where have you bee- whoa" his widened as he noticed my red eye color, "Dude, what is with your eyes?" He asked, "First of all: stop it with the "dude" you know I hate it when you talk like that, and second it's well... an genetic error that showed up pretty late."

"Oh alright, looks creppy though."

"Yeah, yeah" I replied a little annoyed, "anyway where have you be-" But he was cut of by loud screaming, "OH MY GOD (Y/N) IS THAT YOU? I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"
Oh fuck, please no... But it was her, Lena (No offence to all Lena's out there!) the school thot, who sadly had a gaint crush on me,
before I could even do something she pinned me onto the side of the building and was about to kiss me but I quickly ducked under her arms and took a few steps back.

She wore her typical thot outfit, waaaaay to tight hot pants, a white shirt were I could swear if you looks close enough you would see her nipples, she had long blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Where have you been?!" She ran towards me trying to tackle me down but I stepped to side causing her to stumble a little but spuning around quickly again, "Come on, give me hug!" She said seductively while wiggling her breast left and right, I saw in the corner of my eye that mutiple guys were stared at her, Jake was walking away since this is way too cringy for him.

Not as bad as it seems (female Chara x male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now