(Chapter 8) Secrets

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(A/N) Greetings everyone, so first of all...HOW THE F*CK DID THIS STORY GOT 300 READS BY NOW HOLY-  (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻

Uhh anyway, thank you all so much and now enjoy!


(Frisk's P.O.V.)

I just came out of the Snowdin shop with two cinnamon bunnies, one for me, one for (Y/N), I wonder where he is.

I was at the Inn and waited a while but he didn't came so I asked the innkeeper if he's there but they said that he left like 20 minutes ago.
While walking around and thinking I noticed footprints leading out of town.
It looked like human footprints, maybe he went for a walk?

I followed the prints a while then after a while I noticed there were two pairs of footprints, both human-looking, they lead to the river so I went on.

At the same time back to your P.O.V

I slowly woke up while noticing a smell of flowers, buttercups to exact, the same smell at the entrance of the Underground.
When I fully woke up I realized my head was on Chara's shoulder and the smell came from her.
I turned red again "Why, does this feel so nice?" I thought then Chara also was slowly waking up.

"Mhmm? (Y/N)? what?" She asked then she realized that we were still cuddling with each other and jumped up.

"(Y/N)! What on earth?! Were you cuddling with me!?" She started yelling.

"You came to me and cuddled!" I yelled back.

"Wha-? I did what?" She asked me, not yelling anymore.
"You fell asleep on my shoulder I didn't want to wake you up so I moved us to this pile of snow," I explained,
"Then you just started crawling up my lap and cuddled with me."

"Oh... I Uhm..." She said ashamed and turned red as well "Well, it felt so comfortable ok? And kinda nice." She admitted,
"Well yeah, it did felt nice," I responded
"I-it won't happen again I promise!" She said quickly.
"No i- to be honest, I enjoyed that and... I wouldn't mind if it happens again." Did I really just said that?
Before Chara could respond anything a voice from the distance interrupted which made me and Chara flinch.

"(Y/N)! There you are." It was Frisk coming towards us "I'm so fricken glad Chara is invisible to her." I thought.

"Where have you been, I was waiting for you." Frisk said, "Also here a cinnamon bunny." She handed me one.
"Thanks, and I'm sorry I...took a walk and fell asleep, sorry," I said, it wasn't the full truth.
"It's ok, I'm just glad that you're alright. Should we go?"
"Yeah, we should go," I replied,

(Frisk's P.O.V.)

"What were you doing back there?" I asked him.
"Uhm, what do mean?" He said he had a nervous tone in his voice.
"When I came you were looking in the trees." When I came he was also...blushing?

"O-oh that, I thought I saw something but I think it was just my imagination." I know him long enough to now he was lying.

"I saw a second pair of footprints which lead here. Have seen anyone else here?" I asked him, let's see what he responds.

"N-no I saw no one here." He is hiding something but if I think about it... he will have his reasons, I will ask him later.

(Your P.O.V.)

Holy shit that was close I hope she doesn't become suspicious.
I ate the cinnamon bunny as we walk back into Snowdin... Should I? Tell her about my memories?

Not as bad as it seems (female Chara x male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now