(Part 2 Chapter 16) It's fine now

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(A/N) Can we just appreciate for a moment how hilarious this fanart is?
Also, the story has reached the 10K reads! HOLY FLIPPIN SHITE *Takes a deep breath*
Didn't expect it to happen so soon. My self-esteem has risen from the basement!
But, no joke now, thanks a lot! Yeah, I'll shut up now.

(Chara's P.O.V.)

"No, a bit higher," I told her. We were decorating the house for Christmas. Frisk and I were hanging up fairy lights, while mom and dad decorated the tree. After my "return" they sat together and talked things out, even though it took a bit they're on good terms again. And (Y/N) was doing the fairy light on the outside. Thinking about (Y/N)...

I'm a bit worried about him the past few days. He seems, and probably is, tired all the time. Gets angry real fast how that idiot there demonstrated that one day. And something seems to keep him busy.

"Alright, outside everything's done." Speaking of (Y/N), he just came back in with a bit of snow in his hair. "Good, we're also finished here." Frisk jumped down the ladder, which made her catch a disapproving look from Toriel. "Hehe, sorry mom." She laughed it off. 

(Y/N) laughed also a bit, then went over to the coffee table, picked up his coffee mug from before, and took a sip, but flinched instantly. "Ew, nope it's cold now." He placed it back down. Another thing that worries me, he usually doesn't drink coffee. "Anyway, I'll be off now. Got something to do." And headed to the front door. "Hey (Y/N) wait!" I called him and he stopped.

"(Y/N), where are you going?" I asked while coming over to him. "I uhhhh..." I raised an eyebrow.
"(Y/N)... Please don't lie to me." He sighed a bit. "I have something to do something very important." He mumbled a bit. "What? How can I help?" He laughed. "No, it's actually for you. It's a... surprise. But I'll be honest with you." He grabbed my hands, "I'm not sure if it will work."
"What will work?" I impatiently. "Well, if I tell you it wouldn't be a surprise anymore right?"
"Yeah, you're right," I admitted. He leaned forwards and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before letting go of me. "Ok, gotta go. I love you." He said before opening the door.
"Love you too," I said before the door closed. I still wonder what's up with that...

(Your P.O.V. and a time skip of a few hours)

"Hey (Y/N) wake up!" Someone tapped my shoulder. "Wut?" I mumbled while straightening up. Did I fell asleep on the table? Yeah, I did. "It worked," Gaster said simply. These two words made me jump out of the chair. "WHAT? SERIOUSLY?" He laughed a bit, then showed me a glass container that contained a stable monster soul surrounded by an red aura. I took it in my hand and smiled.

"It even more than worked. Due to your very unique mixture of magic and DT the soul is stronger and equal to a boss-monster's soul." My smile went even wider. I looked up from the container to Gaster. "Hehe, thank you, for all the help." Now he smiled too. "No problem (Y/N), just see it as repayment for trying to kill you a long time ago." We both laughed at this. "Well then, I have to go now. To do it." I said while putting the container into the inside pocket of my jacket. Then teleported out of the lab to the cave entrance that where the barrier originally was.

The sun has almost fully set by now. I should hurry a bit. I entered the cave, went through the first two rooms into the former throne room. A blue light was shining through the windows onto the flowers, giving the whole room a mystical atmosphere. "Hey, Flowey!" Called out... but nobody came. I sighed then took a deep breath walked into the middle of the room.
"ASRIEL! I know you are here!" I called out again. For a while, nothing happened, then I heard how something pooped out of the floor behind me.
(A/N) Friendly reminder: (Y/N) and Flowey only meet twice in the ruins. For those who forgot.

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