(Part 2 Chapter 2)A day in the park

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(Your P.O.V.)

"Uhh, finally weekend!" I groaned while throwing my bag on the couch, "Oh come on, it can't be that bad?" I heard Toriel joking from the kitchen. "Let me think, yeah I think a double math lesson is a good reason to be annoyed."
"I suppose your right, and what are your plans for the weekend?" Toriel asked while watering some flowers on the table. "Uhm, good question, Frisk? Any ideas?" I turned to her, she just shook her head, then Chara tapped on my shoulder and said "How about a trip to the park?" I smiled turned to Toriel and asked if we can go to the park.

"Of course you can, just be home before dinner alright?"
"Yes, mom!"
"Sure thing!"

And we got out of the house again and went in direction of the park, "Great idea with the park, Chara" Frisk said cheerfully while we walking down the streets.

When we arrived at the park it wasn't so busy, just a few people taking a walk and stuff like that.
"So what no... Oh, look! Hi Sans!" Frisk called Sans who stood at his hotdog stand (his second job) "yeah pal's howzit going?" He asked when we came closer "We're good," Frisk replied, "And you."
"eh, you know hard work here hard work there ya know?" He said while handing us two hotdogs "there on the house."

"Yeah Sans, cracking jokes every other evening at grillby's and managing a hotdog stand every two weeks, watch out that you don't burn yourself out." I replied sarcastically, Sans let out a little laugh, "yeah, i'm really working myself down to the bone, eeeey." Frisk let out a laugh, I rolled my eyes but couldn't help to grin, "you comedian." I heard from Chara.
"hey frisk, no one's around do wanna play the "i stack hotdogs on your head and you try to balance game?" Sans asked while holding up two of them. "Yes!" Frisk replied excitedly.

29 stacked hotdogs later

"Hahaha, more!" Frisk laughed while also being somehow able to balance the hotdogs.
"sorry kid do i look like my arms can reach that high?" Sans joked.
"I can help with that." I picked up one of the hotdogs with magic and placed it slowly on top of the others. Frisk's grin became even wider and from Sans came a surprised "i didn't know ya can do this." To which I replied, "I'm full of surprises, believe me, Sans."

This game went on up to 51 hotdogs until Frisk fell over and with her all the hotdogs. "hehe you k kid?" Sans asked laughed while he stacked the hotdogs on the stand with magic. "Haha, yeah I'm fine." She giggled.
"welp, it's my break now see ya later." And he disappeared after hanging on a sign which says "out to lunch". I looked around for Chara and couldn't find her at first, then noticing her on a nearby bench sleeping.
"Hey (Y/N)?" Frisk tapped me on the shoulder, "Yeah?"
"I'm gonna spend some time with MK, wanna come along?" She asked, I thought for a moment.
"I'll maybe come later."
"Alright!" And she ran off to MK.

I walked to the bench and sat down next to her, tapping her on the shoulder.
"Mhm?" She mumbled while slowly waking up, "Oh (Y/N)! I uhm uh." She quickly got up and looked around. "Where's Frisk?" She asked me.
"She is with Mk." I stood up too, then I had an idea."Uhm, Chara? Do wanna take walk?" I blushed a little as I said that, she blushed a little too.
"Sure." She simply answered.

We were walking through the now almost empty park while crackling through the leaves since it was still autumn. After a while, we sat under a big tree.

"I will be honest, I did miss the cold air during autumn and winter a bit." Chara said while we're enjoying a little breeze, "I always liked the cold more."
"Hehe, same here." I laughed a little. After that Chara looked at me for a few moments then smiled widely, then laid down her head in my lap again while looking up to me, causing me to blush.

Not as bad as it seems (female Chara x male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now