(Chapter 2) The Ruins

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(Your P.O.V.)
I began to slowly wake up I noticed a strong smell of... flowers?

While slowly opening my eyes I heard a voice in front of me: "Please... just one more time... please...no I won't...please... Chara..."

When I fully opened my eyes I realized that I lay in a bed of golden flowers and in front of me lies..-

"Frisk!" I yelled while getting over to her as fast as could despite the pain in my limbs as I stood up.

"Frisk, hey wake up!", I said while trying to shake her awake.
"Uhh?" She quietly replied and opened her eyes and looked at me."(Y/N)!" She yelled as she jumped up, she was apparently not injured.

"What are you doing here!?", she asked with a confused look.

"I was looking for you!", I said.

"And why do you look like that?", she asked me back.
"What do you mean?..."

Then I realized that I had cuts and bruises everywhere from crawling through the bushes.

"This... it's nothing" I replied while wiping some blood off my face.
"Anyway, where are we?", I asked her.

She opened her mouth as she was going to something say something then made an expression I couldn't really describe myself.

"I-I don't know.", she simply said

I raised an eyebrow, what is going on here?

"There is a hallway I think we should go there.", she said after a moment of silence.

"Sounds good,", I said as I stood up.

Leg still hurts.

"Are you alright?", she asked with a worried look.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It just hurts a little."

"Are you sure?"
I stood stable on both legs now "Yes, it's alright."

She let out a sigh of relief and went ahead.

"What did she talk about in her sleep?", I thought to myself "And then this... name I think."

"Chara", I quietly whispered to myself then I felt a cold shiver going down my back and heard an almost silent laugh behind me.

I turned around and looked, no one there...

Probably just my imagination.
I followed Frisk in the next room there was a single green area with a flower... a flower with a face.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey. Flowey the flower." He? She? It? Said.

"You are new to the UNDERGROUND aren'tcha?", he said while looking at me.
"Golly you must be so confused."
"Someone ought to teach work around here! I guess little old me will have to do."
"Ready?" "Here we go!"

Then suddenly everything started blinking black and white then after a few seconds, everything stayed black and white.
And for a few seconds, I could see my SOUL... Gray, with a purple upside-down heart in the middle.

I looked to my side and saw Frisk had a completely red soul.

"See that heart that's your SOUL the very... You don't look very surprised do you?" He said with an expression I did not like at all. It's true I knew about souls but from where I didn't know either.

"Your soul starts weak but it can become stronger when you gain a lot of LV!" "What LV stands for?..."

"LOVE.", I replied
"Level Of Violence,", I whispered almost silent.

Not as bad as it seems (female Chara x male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now