(Chapter 15) An ending...?

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(Your P.O.V.)

"So, we will have some time now, where do we go?" Chara asked when we left the judgment hall. "How about... the entrance of the Underground?" I felt way better now after finally being able to tell Frisk the truth.

"Sounds good, could you?" She reached her hand out, I grabbed her hand teleported us in front of the flowerbed... where everything started.

I laid down in the flowers and looked up the hole, a little bit of sunlight was shining through the hole. I set up a little bit and looked to Chara, she had her back turned to me while it seemend like she was doing something.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously while getting over to her. She turned around to me.

"Taa daa." She said while placing a flower crown out of buttercups  on her head, "Does it look good?" She asked me. I couldn't help but smile.

"It looks great, didn't know you can make those." She looked cute, "Azzy tought me how to do it, we used to do it a lot."

"Heh, I'm getting more and more the feeling that Asriel is like the best brother ever, am I right?" I laughed a little bit.

"Oh yeah, you can put it that way." She snorted a bit too. "One day, we wanted to make butterscotch pie for dad, and in the recipe stood cups of butter but we took buttercups, you can probably think what happened." She said while wallowing in memories.

"Wow, I thought me and my sister were hilarious but you two? Oh my god." I laughed a little, "What did you and your sister do?" She asked curiously.
"One day, we wanted cookies, I already learned magic so I tried to get the cookie jar of the cupboard with magic, which so far worked then our mother came in and that scared me so hard I threw the jar against the ceiling."

"Pffff, wow that must have looked hilarious." She laughed, "It did, oh or the other day when trained magic together, she accidentally hit me with an attack, it was completely harmless and only hurt a little, but cried for almost half an hour because she was so sorry." I smirked, Chara held her stomach while laughing.

"Or once we had a huge spider in our room in the middle of the night and after discussing almost an hour if we should kill it or not, she just took a glass and piece of paper and set it out because she didn't want to hurt it." Me and Chara laughed even more. "Or something that always made me upset, well I was ticklish and she used this so often when she wanted something from me."

I saw in the corner of my eye Chara grinning, I had a feeling...

"Surprise attack! Tickles from hell!" She jumped to me tickling my stomach while also pinning me into the flowers, when she stopped she sat ontop of me, her heartlocket dangling down her neck, as well as her hair to the left and right off her face. I took the opportunity and started tickling her also in the stomach area, to my surprise she started bursting out into laugher and she jumped off.

"So you're also ticklish." We sat in the flowers still smiling like idiots, then she laid down in my lap causing me to blush a little and looked up tome still the flower crown on her head.

"Hey (Y/N)?"

"Yes, Chara?

"Thank you for being my friend, a person like you is really rare." She smiled...

"I like when you smile, it has something magical... and I'm also glad that you are my friend, before the Underground I only had Frisk but now with you I feel better and also please do me a favor and don't stop being who you are because someone so unique is also really rare." I smiled myself.
"If you don't change then I won't too." She giggled while getting up again and taking of the flower and carefully putting it into the other flowers. "Also, just a little question,
do regret falling down the hole?" She asked me, I just shock my head and simply said:
"No, in absolutely no way."

Not as bad as it seems (female Chara x male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now