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After giving his brother a minor scolding for insulting me as soon as I step into the house, I find myself uncomfortably stood in the kitchen with his mother as she continues to make Christmas lunch whilst Jimin is out getting our luggage from the...

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After giving his brother a minor scolding for insulting me as soon as I step into the house, I find myself uncomfortably stood in the kitchen with his mother as she continues to make Christmas lunch whilst Jimin is out getting our luggage from the car.

Shifting on my feet as she continues to ignore me, I sigh as I look down at the box in my hands, knowing that if I'm going to get through these three days, I'm clearly going to need to be the bigger person here and try to gain some common ground with these people.

"I uh, I brought some dessert for you, I made it myself." I smile timidly, placing the box on the counter. "It's Black Forest gateau."

"I don't like cake." She says flatly, still keeping her back to me as I already feel myself becoming deflated by my first failed attempt.

"Oh, well maybe the men can eat it." I shrug as I fiddle with the ribbon on top of the box.

"We don't eat sugar in this house anymore. You can just take it with you when you leave." She responds, giving another one of her disapproving looks, before turning back towards the stove.

"Well that certainly explains why everyone is so salty." I mutter to myself as Jimin walks into the kitchen.

"I put your bag in the guest room." He tells me, leaning over his mom's shoulder to grab a carrot. "I'm staying in my old room."

Ah yes, that's right. I'm his 'friend' I think to myself as I continue to be ignored. But then I also think to myself if I'm here as his friend, why are they being so rude to me? I can't imagine what would happen if he introduced me as his girlfriend. So now I'm wondering where all this rudeness is coming from. As a friend of their son I know I've certainly done nothing wrong, so surely this must be from them disapproving of their son's choices, apparently including his choice of friends.

"Mom?" We hear someone yell from the hall. Walking in the kitchen is another male, looking like a slightly older version of Jimin with an extremely heavily pregnant woman trailing behind him, neither of them sparing me a glance as they pass by me and go straight towards Jimin's mom.

"Merry Christmas mom." He smiles, hugging her tightly before she lets go and instantly rests her hands on the pregnant woman's stomach.

"Hi Jiwoon." Jimin says, causing the older male to turn and look at him.

"Nice of you to actually show up. I was starting to think you forgot where we lived." He says coldly before turning to look at me. "Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Y/N." I respond, holding my hand out just for it to go ignored yet again.

Giving Jimin a pleading look as his brother turns his back to us, Jimin just gives me a slight shake of the head as his younger brother Jihun walks into the room.

"Jimin, dad said he wants to meet your friend."

Grabbing my hand and leading me towards the living room, we walk in to see his dad sitting in a recliner by the fire with what I would guess to be a glass of scotch in his hand, instantly smiling as he sees Jimin and standing to give him a hug. I smile as I see the first sign of affection from anyone since arriving.

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