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"Finally!" I huff, taking a seat at the bar with my stack of papers

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"Finally!" I huff, taking a seat at the bar with my stack of papers.

It's currently 4am, which means the amount of remaining customers is low enough for me to sit quietly and fill out my reports in peace.

Like every night I don't even need to look up for the bartender to automatically slide me a small glass of merlot, his friendly pat on the bar after he places it down let's me know I don't need to voice how grateful I am, he knows I need it and that I'm thankful.

Elbowing the counter, I rest my head in my hand, my eyes scanning the revenue sheet in front of me as I try to remember all of the comps I honoured this evening.

Apart from the free steak dinner and the drinks for the guys, I can't say I've been overly generous this evening, which I'm sure will please Daniel after the whale hung him out to dry on the roulette table. You know, it's strange how people expect everything for free when they gamble. I always hear "I spend $1000s of dollars here, what can I get for it?" Entertainment, being my answer doesn't normally get them to leave me alone however.

Do you have any idea how much money I spend in my local supermarket? You don't see me at the service desk demanding a free meal or threaten to leave and shop somewhere else.

The worst ones are the ones that are winning and still expect everything for free. You are literally holding $100,000 of the casino's money and you still have the audacity to tell me that I should give you everything under the sun for free.

I blame Vegas for the player mentality. Like them being here is doing us a favour and we should be honoured to be in their presence. No dear, you have an addiction, you would be here regardless and I'm not rewarding that by giving you a free meal. You're not a dog, and I prefer cats.

"This seat taken?" I hear from behind me, turning to see Jimin smiling at me with a tray full of chips in his hand.

"No, go ahead." I smile back, watching as he slides into the barstool beside me. "You had a good night?" I ask him, waving over the bartender as I catch his eye.

"Successful." He grins before turning his focus to the bartender. "I'll have what she's having."

"Put it on the house." I tell the bartender, grabbing my pen to add it to my paperwork.

"No it's fine." Jimin waves his hand, pulling a chip from his tray and sliding it towards the edge of the bar. "I'm winning, I can't allow you to pay."

"I'm not." I chuckle. "The casino is."

Still insisting, the bartender gives me a look before grabbing the chip, Jimin taking a sip of his drink before spinning in his chair to face me.

"So tell me Y/N, what's your story?"

"I should be asking you, Mr. Jimin. You're the man of mystery here. What brought you to town?"

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