Chapter 28: Fearful rage

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After we finished breakfast Killer told me he had the rest covered so I could find Kid. He also wanted me to inform him that we should make it to the island by night fall. I made the decision to fetch Kid jacket from my room since he might miss his signature coat. I dashed down the corridor heading towards Kids room his jacket in hand blocking part of my view.

As I approached his room something in my stomach started to shift, 'somethings not right.' My instincts told me to turn around as I stared at the blank wooden door. I decided knocking would be a safer approach then walking in unannounced, I moved his coat to one hand and with the other I gave a few hard knocks on Kid's door. After a couple moments of silence I heard him give me permission to enter.

When I enter the room it was darker then normal, a single candle on his desk was the only light in the room. Kid sat at his desk tinkering with a few metal parts. He didn't have a shirt on and he seemed to be drenched in sweat despite the chilly weather outside.

"Hey Kid- I brought your coat back, would you like it now?"

His head rose when he heard me speak but the rest of him remained frozen in place. I waited patiently for his response when I didn't get one I placed the coat on his bead and walked closer behind him.

"Killer wanted me to inform you that we should make it to the island tonight!"

" Okay you're dismissed."

Kid didn't seem to acknowledged anything i said as he blew me off an resumed his project.

"Kid... is everything alright?"

"What did I just say!"

"I heard you but you seem... upset."

I tried to reach out for his arm but before I had the chance he turned around and yanked my hand away from him and rasied me from the ground, his grip was tighter then what I was familiar with.


"Hey kid stop- that hurts!"

I can feel his grip tighten as he gets in my face and basically spits words at me.

"Who the hell do you think you are!"

His words caught me off guard as my attention snapped from my wrist to his twisted features. His expression causes a part of me to cower as fear took over my instincts pleading me to run. The other half of me was keeping my front strong refusing to show any sign of submission as I stared directly back at Kid.

"If I say you're dismissed that means YOU'RE DISMISSED! Do NOT make me repeat myself is that UNDERSTOOD!"

I finally felt and heard my wrist crack from his force, I bit my lip to hold back any sound of pain as I answered quietly.



He threw me to the ground and turned back around to focus on whatever was so important. I got up from the ground and left the room slamming the door behind me. I ran straight outside onto the deck were I leaped from the railing right over the edge and spread my wings and flew ahead of the ship. I couldn't make out what I was feeling it was just anger maybe frustration, the only thing I wanted to do was be alone...

*Kids pov*

When the door slammed I relaxed a bit and tried to listen for her footsteps but I knew I'd here nothing. I struggled with a wiring issue a bit more before it shocked me one last time before I just threw the entire contraption off my desk. I got up from my spot and dragged myself to my bed before sitting down on the edge

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