chapter 5: surprise guest

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Kids pov

A high pitch screech pierced my eardrums it causes me to immediately jump out of bed to snuff the life outta whatever just woke me. My eyes adjusted to the room as lightning became my only source of light, two men stood in a defensive position both were armed with knives. "Who the fuck are you two." "How'd you get in here." I slowly started to recognize them, 'two new recuits we picked up a couple of months ago. Not extraordinary but, could take care of themselves.'

" Ah now things make since, you two wanna fight with the big boss.- Bad decision its been a rough week, and I'd love nothing more then to stain my hands with your blood. " A smile of exitment flickered across my face. 'It just can't be helped sometimes, I needed to blow off some steam anyway.'

I stood from my bed and reached out to the man with black hair and picked him up by his throat, "Maybe you can entertain me." I squeezed as hard as I could till I heard his neck snap."Thats all the fight you had in you, how the hell did you even get aboard this ship." I throw the man as if he was just a rag doll who didn't grant me satisfaction.The other white hair man had tripped and fell backwards currently attempting to crawl away from my grasp.

"What a coward."

Taking my sweet ass time, I grabbed my knife from the bed side table reached for the back of his head grabbing hair and lifted his head up to expose his throat to the cold steel that now rested on his throat." Look i gave you a perfect opportunity to take me out or save your friend  yet you coware away leaving your friend to take the blunt of the attack. Guess what though! im gonna make sure you feel this. I want you to know what you feel next is you drowning in your own blood" Within seconds the cold metal was slowly dragging across his jugular with no resistance, the blood poured out his throat and slowly onto the floor like a water fountain it covers the floor and drips through the wooden gaps, i could hear him struggle to breath as he gaged on his own blood. I looked at the mess in my room, bodies littered the floor. Disgust took over my face they were willing to take me out while I slept peacefully.

Thats when I remember, 'what the fuck was that sound.' I scaned the room looking for the source. I turned my head to look out side the small porthole in my room. When my eyes gaze outside I wasn't greeted by the usual darkness.

Instead a solid mass covered in white and black filled the empty space. The eyes where huge and golden color that pierced the room like death watching the room coldly for it next victim. Its body was fuzzy, wet and  surprisingly round for a predator. All the animal was could do is look at the leftover mess it had caused by waking me up.

I was watching intensely when the bird finally removed its eyes from the two corpses lying on the ground. I couldn't help but return the gaze, it felt like I was staring in the eyes of a lion about to pounce, so bright that I couldn't see anything else besides the color glowing in the room. If I was anyone else I might fear it but, I could feel exitment run up my spine. 'Nothing can look at me like that without dying, you little fucker-, get to live. For now anyway'

My gaze was finally broken when I heard foot steps and yelling approach. Killer burst into the room fully armed and ready to kill anyone who wasn't me . It didnt take him long to calm down look around and come to a conclusion of what had played out.

Before explaining further I looked back at the window to examine the bird with a closer eye. When i looked out the window nothing was there just raindrops that fell and slide down the glass with the occasional distant flash of lightning.

"Kid- kid--KID"

His voice didn't reach me till the last shout of my name. "WHAT". My voice was loud but I didn't care at that moment i was too confused by what had happened and how I was still alive."What happened here I heard the gun shot and came as soon as possible."

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