Chapter 15: Healing

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Your pov

I slowly pry my eyes open, and the first thing I see is Cleaver passed out in the chair across from my bed. As I look around a bit I start to recognize the impharmary room, sitting on the floor next to the door is Heat who also seems to be out cold.

'How long have I been asleep.'

I attempt to sit up but its impossible with the pain, not to mention how fuzzy my head is. I notice the glass of water on the table next to me and realize how thirsty I really am. I reach out for the cup and when I finally reached it I drag it across the wood hoping to making it easier to pick up, when i reached the end instead of picking it up the glass my arm falls cauasing the water to spill and the glass to shatter of the floor, i curse at myself. 'I dont have the strength to even pick up a glass.'

Heat and Cleaver instantly jump from their deep slumber. Cleaver says something to Heat but i can't quite hear him as Heat runs out the room. Soon as he's out doc starts checking my vitals and my wounds.

"Doc, is the captain okay?" My voice is just an airy gasp as I try to push the question out of my throat.

"Is he okay!? You're the one who took a bullet to the chest what happened you're more agile then that I've seen you spar with killer."

"I had no choice if I didn't he would've shot him."I feel so weak and that makes me feel pitiful as I feel tears building in me. I hate myself i should be smarter.

"That would explain the sea prism bullet i extracted from your chest."

'Dammit i can't cry i just need to get stronger. Will I ever be strong enough?'

I feel myself losing confidence when the door burst wide open. A fuming red head enters the room behind him is Heat with another glass of water. He looks at me with pity in his eyes till he looks at Cleaver.

"How is she and how long till she recovers?"

"She's out of the worst we just need to worry about it becoming infected. After a couple more days she should start rehabilitation which should last a minimum of 5 weeks."

' five weeks of being useless, no way in hell is that gonna fly with the captain might as well kiss my spot on this crew goodbye.'

"Cleaver, give me and Lilith just a moment to talk." He silenly nods his head and leaves the room Heat falling in suit. Kid pulls the chair closer to my side and sits in it.

"So I've been entertaining myself with an old friend of yours, found out some very interesting facts."

"How long have i been out?"

"Three days give or take."

'There's no telling what he told him.'

"Im not sure what he said but... its probably true. So go ahead ask what you must." The atmosphere is heavy on my weak body till Kid finally speaks again.

"Did you kill your crew?" His tone is cold and straight to the point. I stare at ghe ceiling in silence for a minute before giving him my answer.

"My actions got them kill... so yes it is my burden to carry."

"Is that all they were a burden?"

"What the hell are you talking about? THEY WERE MY CREW! They were a family to me if i had the choice I would've preferred it to me then them!" I couldn't help it anymore my strength to hold back any form of emotion was gone. I could help the many tears that rolled down my face. I was weak and now crying in front of my Captin like a fool.

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