Chapter 35:The face behind the mask

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*Your Pov*

I relentless swung my knife at the smiling masked man as I heard Kid run up from behind.

"THATS IT! KEEP COMING AT ME!" His voice sounded on edge almost deranged.

Kid leapt from behind me and swung at him. There wasn't enough weapons around for him to do anything. As far as I could tell the man in front of us was unarmed. He continued to swiftly dodge each attack that was aimed for him as if he was just paper swaying in the wind.

"JUST- STAY- STILL!"  He couldn't a hit in edge wise and his anger was getting to him. He couldn't risk unarming any of us.

"Kid let me handle this!"

I slid in front of him and went for his legs I swipped low to try to knock him down. It worked with Kid striking from above. I jumped on him an placed my knife to his throat.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want from me?!?!" Everyone in the behind me had stopped fighting since Victor and Killer was able to pinned Veronica in the snow.

"Let me g-o!" I saw her struggle underneath the two bigger men.

"Ha-ha-hahah you really think this is it!"  I heard what sounded like a gun shot from behind, before I could check my body was thrown into the cold snow. He was on top of me and I couldn't see behind him.

"I'll give you a simple choice, who should die, the Kid pirates or the sleepy little town you like to call home." I struggled underneath him as I tried to free myself from him.  He stood up and lifted me up, when I looked around I noticed Kid and Killer tied around a tree with Veronica's whip. Killer struggled to get out and Kid seemed out of it. Veronica sat on Victor with a knife to his throat, she quickly pulled out the collar from before and placed it around his neck.

I got away from him and ran towards Kid and Killer.

"_______ STOP!" He said my name causing me to turn back and look at him.

"Let me make this choice easier for you." He slowly removed his masked and let it fall into the snow. When I saw his face I couldn't stop the sudden flood of emotions.

"Wyatt - but I- I thought you were-dead."

*Killer's pov*

The small mask girl was able to catch me off guard by somehow using her fingers as a weapon and  shoved her finger into my chest it felt as if she had shot me. She kicked Victor so hard a huge gash appeared on his chest in the shape of a cross. Kid saw us and pulled out his gun and fired it she gracefully dodged it then covered the gun in sticky webs making it impossible to use. She pulled out a long black whip that has small metal balls through out the weapon. I ran towards her with my blades out and ready but before I reached her she swung the whip and caught Kid in it causing him to crash into me. She used her webs and stuck us to the tree and tied her wipe around us.

"Shit sea prism stone." Kid wasn't able to fight back she had us cornered. When I tried to pull the stones just dug deeper into him.

_____ tried to run towards us to help but stopped dead in her tracks when the fox man took off his mask.

"Kid- hey Kid!"

"What I'm- trying to get out!"

"Look over there whats wrong with her?" Kid looked at her and thats when we both noticed she had started crying.

"What the hell is going on!"

*your pov* 

I took a few steps towards him.

"Is it- really you?" I felt tears fall but I hadn't even realized that I was crying.

Without thinking I ran straight for him and jumped into his arms.

"I -thought - you had -died." I snuggled my face into his chest and bawled my eyes out like a little kid.

"Shshsh. Its okay you know now." He hugged me back and spoke in a calm voice.

"Why didn't you just tell me it was you. I would've just came with you, there was no need to go this far!" He let go and made space between us so he could look me in the eyes.

"Of course I did, how else would I enjoy tormenting you?" He smiled as if he'd said the most loving thing.

"W-what?" I took a step back away from him.

"I miss the woman I fell in love with, the pain, sorrow, and anger. You lost that all when we got the this island, you started going soft."

"What do you mean?"

"Anytime it seemed like you were getting too comfortable i have to make sure things change. For example Bella, she was a sweet girl but, you were becoming too kind and forgiving."

"What- how - what did you do?"

"More like what did I not do! Hahaha!" I took steps away from him and tried to make room between us as he laughed like some psychopath, but every step back he took another one forward.

"I enjoy watching you struggle so much I even went as far and murdering our entire crew then telling the Marine's you had lost your mind. They believed me too since you have such a bloody history.I couldn't risk having you return to the island and coutine playing house. In fact thats the exact reason I had to get rid of Bella."


"Did she though, you don't think someone like me could get a hold of a poison that slowly kills you from the inside out? And how do you think the world government found out about Molly's little project."


"You and Molly were like sister's I knew if the time came X couldn't through with the order, so the responsibility would be shoved onto your lap. And you wouldn't hesitate to kill her if it meant saving me and the others from the burden of her death. Then afterwards I could bask in the  beauty of your despair! Watching you fall apart made me want to see how far I could push you." He licked his lips as he slowly creeped towards me.

I trip over myself and almost fell but before I have the chance he caught me with his arms trapping me in a bear hug.

"I just love you so much. Let me show you how much!" He starts to squeeze me so hard i couldn't breath and I could feel my lungs being squeezed. I tried to struggle out of his grip but he just squeezed harder. It felt like he was trying to squeeze my eyes out. I slowly started to slip into darkness.

"Please- sto-"

Everything started to fade, the last thing I was able to see as I became limp was Kid's concerned expression before finally succumbing to his warmth.

*Kid's pov*

I watched as he squeezed ______ until she passed out and fell limp in his arms. I tried forcing my way from under the rudder whip but all I did was squeeze Killer even more and made myself more tired then before.

"V, its time to go pick him up and take him to the ship." He lifted _____ and held her like a child as the other woman yanked Victor up like someone punishing a dog.

"And what about you sir?"

"Im waiting on one more piece then ill be right behind you." He sat down and rocked her unconscious body.

I felt disgusted to watch him hold her as he hummed the same tune she had for me.

"YOU LET HER GO YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He stopped what he was doing and set her on the ground. He looked over at us and slowly made his way over.

"You're Eustass Kid correct?" He lifted my head with his finger giving me a good look at the man. His eyes were two different colors his left was blue and his right a brown he had shaggy ginger hair. His narrow stare made every expression look like a smirk even though it was obvious he was furious.

"Let me thank you for watching over my wife while I was away. Let me show you my gratitude."

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