Chapter 25: Pets!

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*your pov*

I wake up covered in sweat and buring up so bad i feel drained.

"What the hell?"

I can't see only feel the heavy body on me, when I try to move the weight on me increases. I free my hands and reach for the top of the covers, the fabric is extremely soft and feels like a huge source of the heat. I push it down to find myself face to face with Kid, he'd seem to have passed out. But what was most odd was how close he was his arms had wrapped themselves around my torso in a firm grip and his coat covered the both of us. I used my palm to attempting to push him off.

"Kid, wake up im gonna have a heat stroke." When i tried to push him away a deep growl resonate in his throat while he slept. He leaned his head into my neck and after struggling a bit longer i gave up and allow the gaint man to use me as a pillow. His messy red hair tickles my noes and face i push the hair away from me but, it doesn't stay long as it bouces back and smacks me in the face. I get slightly irritated at the buoyancy of the red heads hair. I decide to play with his hair earning myself a small groans from him, i coutine petting my fingers through his hair till I got a bright idea. I started taking stands of his hair and  braided each piece until all his entire head of hair was done. I giggle at the many braids standing up on his head until i heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!"

I holler at whoever is on the other side allowing them access to Kid room even though i did not have the authority. Killer poked his head through the crack in the door, i could feel his shocked expression through his mask.

"What... did.... you.... do."

"Hey I just fell asleep i didn't do anything he put himself in this position."

"You know that's not what I'm talking about. What did you do to his hair he's gonna kill you..."

"Oh this! it's no biggie just a little solution to my hair problem it was tickling my face."

"You"re insane!!"

"I completely agree~ now if you don't mind i should probably get moving." With full strength i pull on the top of the bed frame pulling me out from under the huge male. What I didnt take into consideration was how close he was to the edge. Next thing i know Kid fell off the bed and hit the back of his head on the nightstand next to his bed. I hear a deep groan followed by a string of curses.

"Oh-FuCk!" I look at Killer fear over took my expression as i jump on the bed and lunched myself out of the bedroom passed Killer.

"THANKS KILLER!"  I take off down the hallway leaving Killer to deal with the furious captain. When i reach the end of the hallway i hear Kid finally yell.

"WHO THE FUCK!!! IM GONNA KILL YOU!!"  I turn around to see Killer leave the room and run towards me

"GO!GO!GO"  Anyone with common sense could tell he was just as terrified as I was. I take off towars the starirs leading up as me and Killer fight for the lead to freedom. The sound of the Captain quarters door being broken was heard throughout the entire ship followed by the heavy steps of Kids angry feet." Me and Killer busted through the deck door i slide to get around to the stairs then dash to the top and Killer leapt from the ground onto the higher level. We both took a small break to catch out breath at the same time Kid burst through the door searching left and right for us his red braids bouncing with his jearking head. It was impossible for anyone not to laugh and one by one everyone started laughing so hard some started to cry including me.

"This isnt gonna end well for us." Killer shook his head and spoke with a disappointing tone.


Wire just happened to be walking up the stairs and look up to see Kid.

"Hey Captain like the new hair."

"What... New hair? The hell are you talking about. " He feels his head and drags his fingers up the red locks of hair. He tried to tugs at the tie to undo it but without experience its difficult to do. I have my mouth covered as i lose my mind watching his shocked face my gut started to hurt when finally I heard his low voice pierce my ears.

"_____! If you DONT come FIX your mess I will drownd you in a pool of your own blood." I can hear the chilling sound of his teeth grinding together in frustration.

"Fine fine, BUT if you keep them in your hair with be all wavy and pretty." I motion my arms like a wave to give an example.

"DID I FUCKING STUTTER?!? NOW!" he pointed at the ground in front of him as if he was talking to a pet in time out.

"Fine!" I jump down to his level and make my way towards him, when I'm withing range he yanks me up by my wrist and lifts me off the ground.

"You think you're so funny don't you." His lips are pulled downwards and his non-existent eyebrows knit together I can see the veins in his forhead popping. He turn back towards the inside dragging me behind yanking my arm up and down based on his rough moments.

"Kid- be care-ful, my arm."

"Oh shut up I know this isnt the injured arm don't treat me like an idiot."

He sat down at the gaint table in the dining hall and placed me on the table so i could untie his hairstyle.

"Last time we were postioned like this you couldn't keep your hands to your self."

"Just fix my hair and be quiet."

"Yes sir~♩" I hum a soft melody while threading my fingers though his hair to undo mt ties.

"What are you doing?"

"Just humming, would you like me to stop."

"No-I was just wondering." I coutined to hum the song. It was one my mother use to hum to me when she did my hair so it just felt appropriate to do so. I'd finally finish undoing my handy work and was just pulling my fingers through his messy hair.

"Are you done yet?"


"Then what are you doing?"

"Just playing with your hair. Would you like me to stop?" He hum in thought till he leans closer and shoved his face into my stomach and wrapped his hands around my waist. He hummed one more time before shaking his head no. Sometimes I tend to forget that even thought he can be terrifing he's still a man first I could easily image most women don't do much beside please him for a moment. And Killer isn't the soothing type either, Kid's probably never been pamper like so. My ears prick up as I hear foot steps approaching the dining hall.

"Kid someone's coming unless you want to be called out on acting like a child I'd get up." I whisper into his ear and he sits up in response. He looks at me then the door and backs away reluctantly. I hope off the table and stand next to him as crew members flood in to start preparing for dinner.

"Im still wearing my clothes from last night im gonna go change for the night." I wave to everyone as I head towards my small room. As I get closer something starts to bother me. Iron could always be smelled thoroughtout the ship with all the metal laying around, but when i approached my room the smell of Iron smothered my senses almost making me sick. I stopped at the beginning of the hallway and listened closely to the sound of tiny drips they were almost impossible to hear over the crashing of waves rocking the ship. I steady myself as i make my way to the door and turn the knob...

A/N: Sorry it was late i was visiting family and friends. I'll post a few more chapters before I get too busy 😌!

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