chapter 24: Will to live

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*Next day on the ship*

After the log pose finally set we all made our way back to the Victorian Punk to countine our trip. Victor was allowed to stay on bord seeing how i vouched for him and his abilities. And now i was making my way to captins quarters in my hand was the file on the red haired pirates.

I knock on the door and spoke before Kid had a chance to yell.

"Its Lilith I have your information."

"Come in!" I walk into the room and lift the file for him to see.

"I have one question for you Captin Eustass Kid." My serious tone grabbed his attention as he leaned back into his chair giving me the chance to talk.

"Whats more important to you finding Shanks or - finding the one piece?" The question causes him to stand up and walk over to me and looks down to me, almost like to intimidate me.

"What do you know?" His voice was calm and straight to the point.

"I know a lot more then I should and if you want to then take me here." I hand him the log pose Victor had given me at the beach.

"Where does this go?"

"My old base, it has all the info I've collected since I've been a marine, eleven years of information and the reason why my entire crew was wiped out." Kid snatches the file from my hands while still digging his gaze into my face.

"Go give the navigator the log pose, but I expect more information from you."

"Yes sir!" I leave the room closing the door behind me, when I do I feel myself finally able to relax and take a deep breath.


Id given the navigator the compass hours ago and was now on watch with multiple crew members when I heard heavy footsteps approch me from behind.

"Yo! Whens the last time you properly trained your haki?" I turn around to see Victor was there holding two swords and a irritated expression.

"Its been a while but im pretty advanced with observation."

"Is your armement as weak as its always been?" The small remark causes something in me to snap.

"Weak?!?! Whatever at least I can use all three, where as you can't even sense pressances."

"Thats what I thought you might know all three but let's be honest of you don't get better you'll die. Here take this ill work on your armerment till we reach the island. Besides your conqueror only seems to work on animals and some weak minded humans you'd better get better with the other two if you want to actually help this crew out." He throws the sword at me and walks to the open area of the ship. He takes a stance before  the sharp silver blade turn to a black blade.

"Now! You're gonna practice this until its better then mine. It won't be easy, so get ready." I grip the blade tightly as I feel exitment build up in my gut I could feel my lips tug upwards to form a smirk. Victor was the best armerment user in our unit and his brute strength paired with an unbreakable sword made him a huge threat. I remove the sheath and take a fighting stance then face him head on.

*Kid's pov*

When i woke up i could hear holling and whistling coming from the the deck. I was already irritated with my sleepless night and now no one was gonna let me sleep in.

"What the hell is going on this early." I get up from my bed and throw on my huge coat and make my way outside. When I opened my door I saw my entire crew yelling and leaning over the railling they were cheering for whatever was happening down below. I forced my way through the crowd pushing aside whoever was in my way i find myself next to killer who is leaning against the rail watching carefully. I looks down to see Lilith, her hair is sticking to her face from her sweat and multiple small bloody cuts cover her body. Her chest rises and falls forcing air into her lungs, i can tell she struggling to keep herself upright. I look to her couterpart to see Victor standing without a single scratch he seems perfectly fine and full of energy. I begin to freak out seeing her in such a condition I turn to go stop the fight but killer grabs my arm and pulls me back.

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