chapter 9: Sneaky tatics

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Later On the island

I landed in a wooded area and started to put my plan together for my next operation.

'Time to make a shopping trip.'

I just arrived on the island but this is not my first time here so I know where to get what is necessary. The streets were busy with people making it easy to blend in the crowd even with my obvious hair color. I stopped at towns genral store and started looking at hair dyes.

'I still need to hide in plan sight so the hair color has to go for now i only need it to last a day or two.'

I scanned the aisle looking for a color I wanted.

'When I did covert operations black was nice maybe brown tho.'

Suddenly a certain color caught my eyes I stared at the box on the shelf, the image of the misfit Captain flashes in my mind. I pick the box up and buy everything else i need for tonight and pay what I owe to the store owner.

I found a room in town close to the bar i planned to vist later, right now I need to sleep before I did anything else. I change my hair color and tuck into the bed for a small nap.

Kid's pov

I sat eating my breakfast watching the crowded room, all the men were laughing and talking.

'Its gotten loud lately.'

Killer approach the table with the weekly paper in his arms "got some information on a certain someone if you're interested." I raised my eyes interested in the news he brought.

"Who shanks?"

"Sorry kid not this time I was talking about her." Killer placed a wanted poster on the table. I absorbed the entire paper, a girl with pure white hair, big yellow eyes looked backed at me, shes wearing a Marine uniforms.




"So she's a captain or was anyway. Whats the point of this killer." He opened the paper and begin reading me an article from the sheet.

"According to this she was a high racking marine office that went off the deep end and killed her entire crew out of a blind rage. She's wanted for her immediate execution, apparently she was close to being a vice admiral. Explains why it felt like she was holding back-
because she was."

He puts the paper down on the table and looks back at me for my reaction.

"Do you think she did it." Everyone had toned down to listen to the conversation between the two leaders. It was rare for Kid to actually care about something else besides the usual.

"Hmmm I'm not too sure, she didnt seem too upset when we saw her but she was definitely drinking for some reason." Both men sat for a minute before looking at everyone else and telling them to piss off. Killer and Kid sat in silence for a long moment.

" I dont think she did it."

"It felt like she didn't care about anything when we fought. For her it didn't matter if she lived or die in that fight." I stared at killer

"what do you think?"

"I agree with your judgment captain. As always."

Your pov

The moon had risen high into the sky and night consumed the sky. I looked outside at the moon before dressing myself. The outfit I picked for tonight was extremely scandalous as need be if I were to succeed. The plan was simple go to the bar and party with the marine soldier off duty.

This island's military presence is supposed to be a secret to the public so soldiers go out after duty in civilian clothes to drink and eat. My goal is to find the morning office that would have the key to the communications room. It was required of officers to alway keep their key on person. The plan simple get super close and pickpocket his key then im good to go.

I brushed my new hair style and dressed myself. A simple black mini skirt black boots and a revealing black top and to top it off a chocker to really get them over the edge. I checked my appearance in the mirror I didn't realize with the red hair and yellow eyes

'I just look just like fire crotch. I wonder if I would piss him off if he saw me like this. Who cares I should finish my mission before they show up anyway.'

I made my way to the local pub and scouted the entire bar for my targets. Three young men two brunettes and a man with black hair. One of the brunettes was my target I closely listened into their conversation till I deciphered that fact and found out he was a key holder. I took one last swig on my drink before walking over to the booth they occupied.

"Hi boys do you mind if I join you." I softly smile, I make sure to lose the cocky personality I usually held. I need to have an air of innocents to me to be able to play them. The men looked me from head to toe before smiling and gladly accepting my offer.

They continued to buy me and themselves drinks. 'They probably think my tolerance is low just cause I'm a girl.' I play along and act like I'm as good as gone. When I was sure I had them totally fooled I started my following thourgh with my true intentions.

"So you three are Marines how amazing i always thought a man in uniform was especially attractive." I leaned into the man with the key.

"You think so gorgeous, well how about it want a real man for once?" He pulled me closer to his body, i took advantage of the situation and decided to place myself in his lap.

"Would you really be so kind to entertain me tonight. I really must be a lucky lady." I started rubing his chest with my hands trying to feel for the key while playing nice with the man.

I was almost there when....

The bar door was kicked wide open when I looked standing there was the familiar pair of yellow eyes piercing my body, the red head was here and studying my body closely. His glare was impossible to avoid but no way in hell was I gonna let him ruin my plan.' Fuck,fuck this is so embarrassing please don't let him recognize me.' I countined my plan of seducing the poor man. Even though I could feel his eyes on my body.

Flashback some time ago

"Please don't do that again!" I was being punished for my special technique. I use my body to get what ever I need when I need it but, He wasn't having it any longer.

"I can't stand seeing you all over some strangers or them getting to touch you how ever they please."

"Are you jealous of some pirates, dont worry I got what we needed and they didnt even notice what happened I'd say that a win." My tone was dismissive and just pissed him off even more.

"You dont seem to understand, YOU are mine! I can't stand seeing anyone else even touch you." He sounded defeated.

"Wyatt im- I'm sorry i didn't think much of it." I gently held the mans face in my hands and brought him close to me and hugged him.

"You're right though its a very easy way for us to get what we need so how about this. At the end of the mission you owe me only then can I truly allow this act of yours." The male had garbbed my shoulders and stared into my eyes when making his proposal i had no choice then to accept his terms.

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