chapter 10: Jealous eyes

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All i could feel was his eyes watching my every move it made me nervous.

'I never get nervous what the hell it's just some jackass get your shit together ____.'

I took a deep breath and blocked out all the other eyes on my body except one.

'He's impossible to ignore.'

I countined flirting with the man while carefully searched his pockets without him realizing, but every small move was carefully studied by Kid like watching his teenage daughter . I could die based on the tension between the two of us but I needed to focus on now.

'where the fuck is the damn key.'

Finally my fingers found the cold metal I needed. I very gently pulled it from his pocket and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you so much i had fun!" He held his check in his hand as he watched me get up and leave the bar.

As soon as i was out of sight I took off running toward the base I knew it was in the forest and hidden under ground. If i was gonna get the info I needed I had to do it now. I continously ran towards my destination.

I soon reached the hidden door I opened the door with my code and snuck into the base. I found my way to the uniform room where I changed my clothes and armed myself with a gun and a sword. After fully dressed and armed I made my way down to the communications room. I looked at the solid metal door then removed the key I stole off the brunette when the door opened I entered and locked the door and started my search.

Kids pov

After the redhead girl left I dug daggers into the brunette across the room.

" Why the hell was she all over that fucking prick. AND she stole my look." I threw back my drink i was pissed after seeing her again. "How did she even get here didnt we leave her at that other island."

She might've had a different color hair but I could tell it was her same fucking yellow eyes.

"I've been wondering that as well." Killer added his opinion on the subject.

"But im more confused on why you seem to care about who she was with." He took a sip of his drink from a straw he had placed in the cup.

"I DONT!" I shouted loud enough to for everyone in the bar to hear, now everyone was staring.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT!" I yelled at the entire bar not holding back my anger.

"Now that you say something you're right it doesn't seem to be bothering you." Killers tone was full of sarcasm and dismissive attitude. I shot him a glance till something caught our collective attention.

"Shit, shit, shit!"

"What's wrong man?"

"I cant find find the key!" The brunette i had stared down was frantically checking his pockets as the others two looked under the seat and on the floor.

"She robbed them." Killer statement caused me to look at him then back on the scene of the confused men.

"Did you maybe leave them at the base?" The other brunette was asking a bunch of questions to solve what had happened. They had come to the logical conclusion that keys where left at the previous location. I watched them leave in a hurry fumbling over each other on the way out.

"So she stole their keys why?" I looked puzzled at killer waiting for his explanation.

" Think about it Kid she was all over them why else would she leave in such a hurry she wasn't as reckless like when we met her last time. She was on a mission."

"What do you think it was any ideas?" I asked him out of curiosity."

"it definitely was for that key it seemed really important."

"What do you think it went to?" I just wanted answers when I realized killer was actually annoyed by my questions.

"I dont know kid probably open a door." Killers tone was dull and dismissive showing he was done with the conversation.

" If you're so worried how about you follow her?" Killers was sarcastic but my curiosity was gonna kill me.

"Good idea let's go." I stood from my seat finishing my drink and then smashing the mug on the table.

"Wait right now!" Killer got up from his seat in a hurry. "I was just joking."

"Too bad I need answers more."

Your pov

"ITS NOT HERE , OR HERE." I was going through every file in the room throwing papers and file cabinets. "WHERE IS IT" tears fell from face and i could feel a burning rage fill my body.

"I had him send the files before the accident. It had details about our last mission together." I pick up another stack of papers and flipped through them, when a photo of me caught my attention 'a wanted poster behid it was a full report on me.

Captain Talon wanted for the massacre of her entire crew. Reports claim the captain lost control of her emotions and killed her entire crewmates in cold blood. Vice admiral Vergo found the ship in disarray along with the pervious report of the crew last mission. Families of the deceased will be notified in a short period of time. In the mean time keep alert for the captain she is armed and specialy trained do not engage if found.

I stared blankly at the report my vison was getting blurry and my mind was going blank.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!" A voices yelled from the door. When I turned to look a man pointing a gun at my head was standing. I could feel his fear he was shaking.

'This base doesn't see very much action if i break it, the messages will be delayed.'

It took me seconds to pull my pistol out and shot the man in between the eyes. I stood up all i can feel is rage i want nothing more then to become the very monster they want to so desperately paint me as.

'So I will!'

The gun shot alarmed everyone in the building I could hear the many steps of marching soldiers enter the hallway and block the exit. I leave the room.

'My body its so warm and numb. What do I do with this feeling.' I lift my gaze from the floor to lined men standing in front of me.

'Fighting has always been comforting.'

My vison goes red. I lose my entire self in a warm place.

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