Holiday special: lost in the woods

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A/n: Not specifically cannon to the current story or about the holidays, just a small gift.

"We're lost."

"No we are not."

"Oh really? You do realize that We're in the middle of nowhere and we're supposed to be heading back to the docks in town... Please Captin can you just listen me and turn around."

" I Turned around and hour ago."

"No you turned left and yelled at me for pestering you."

"Oh for fuck sake what do you want from me woman all you've done is sit on my shoulder and tell me what to do."

"Just like that..."

I mumble softly so he wouldn't catch my smart-ass remark.Kids was understandable annoyed as well as tired his attitude had turned sour over the past few hours. He had been walking all day in the winter town and now we were lost in the woods and the sun was beginning to set below the horizon.

"If you weren't such a child we wouldn't be in this situation right now. I pecked his ear and pulled it with my beak causeing kid to yell out.

"God dammit if you do that one more time I'm gonna make you walk."

The darker it got the more the wind started to pick up and mixed with the snow making it impossible to even see in front of us. The temperature had been dropping at an alarming rate as kid begin to shiver, i could feel his normal burning body heat depleting.

"Wait Kid something isnt right."

"Your telling me, is it supposed to be this cold?"

I leapt from his shoulder and flew above the snowy trees, the sky had gone dark and the wind blew so ferociously I feared i could be sweapt away. Before retreating back to safety I noticed a small cabin in the distance hidden behind some trees. I dove back below the tree line before i could get swept away by the strong wind current.

"This isnt good i think a blizzard might be coming Kid, I saw a cabin not too far from here that we can stay in."

I yell out from above then transformed back and landed on my feet in front of him.

"Surviving a blizzard is no challenge for me but, you're already freezing and this is just the beginning."

I look Kid up and down he still refused to put a shirt on and wore only his heavy fur jacket that was now buttoned up. Even with his coat though I could tell he was cold, he was shaking slightly and his skin was looking paler then normal his breath was obvious in the cold air. I walked up to him and felt his face with my hands, he immediately went from calm and collected to full of shock in an instant. What worried me was his face was so cold to the touch if it had been any colder you would think he was a corpse.

"We need to find some where for the night before you freeze to death."

"Th-this is nothing I c-can hand-dle the c-cold."

"Dont be stubborn, you can't fight mother nature herself."

Before he had time to a agure with me I grab his arm and pulled him in the direction of what I had seen earlier. After walking for about 15 minutes and dealing with Kid slowly losing his mind ,we eventually stumbled upon what looked like a small wooden cabin with a chimney and front porch. The home looked abandoned and on the brink of crumbling the windows were cracked and broken and a few were bored up. On the side of the house was an entire stack of chopped fire wood that looked to be aged a bit but would work just fine.

'Finally some good news.'

I turned to look at kid just in time to notice him fall starting to stumble then fell towards the snow that was already up to his knees.


I caught him at the last second and held him up with my back and shoulders.

"Com-e on- you're- too HeAvY."

'This isn't good hes getting way to cold, I need to start a fire and warm him up.'

I dragged him up the rest of the hill and kicked open the wooden door then hurried over to laid him down on the wooden floorboards in frontof the empty fireplace. I felt his face again and noctice the purple tints on the outside of his lips mostly hidden by his dark lipstick.

"Shit Kid you need to talk to me."

I felt my heart in my throat as fear begin to settle gut. I torn my black fur coat off and cover kid with it and ran outside to the wood pile were I collect enough to last us through the night. I crawled over to kid and searched his pockets for his gunpowder to his gun. I sprinkled the power onto some kindling I made out of cloth and twigs I found in the house. I struck some fint and rock together to get some sparks after a few hard strikes spark finally landed on cloth and the gunpowder made a small pop sound before everything caught fire. The house had a small fire place on the side of the room that would provide a great fire and warmth throughout the night.

I turn back to kid and listen closely to his breathing it was a little shallow and he was still a little pale. I turn him so he layed on his back and dragged him slightly closer to the flames. I warmed my numb hands with the fire and stayed up to keep and eye on Kid's condition. Outside the house the wind and snow severly sped up and it was impossible to make out anything outside. I fell bord and started to search the house for anything to cure my boredom. I rummaged around the house finding nothing but old clothing and some photos of the family that use to take refuge here.

Based of the condition of the building the family ran out of food during winter and had to abandon the shelter to head back to town. I eventually found a loes floor bored that was connected to a hidden door, when I opened it I found a huge amount of animal hides and blankets. There was a couple bear hides and some deers as well. I pulled each out and laied them right beside kid, with some extra effort on my part I was able to get Kid on the soft furs and keep him close to the fire pit. After setting up the fur pallet i started to search more closely for hidden areas and door in the end i gave up and climbed up the cabinets and started to search in higher places. After finding a couple of spider webs and dust bunnies I heard a small goan come from where kid was sleeping.

~to be continued~

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