Chapter 6: hiding in plan sight

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Your pov

I had been secretly listening to the conversation with the crew members, the tension on the ship was building like it could blow at any minute. About ten minutes had passed since the Captain of the ship had met up with a more knowledgeable source about the bird he saw last night. 'Now that i think about it i could've let them kill Kid and the others then take the ship as my own.' I pouted while sitting more into my self in order to make myself smaller. I listen closely to the red head attempting to describe me to the man named Cleaver. I could hear his heart beat from this distance its beating sped up, 'he's mad again does this man ever relax he's gonna die of a heart attack stressing so much.' I wonder if my appearance last night really spooked him.

'Why should I be guilty its his fault he's never seen a owl. Look at it this way i saved his life he should be grateful not asking questions besides i figured since i was just a bird-'. I stopped thinking because i began to her the navigator talk to killer.

"We should be arriving at the next island in two days tops, but im a little worried. I believe next island has a Marine presence, it might be small but im not to sure yet ive only heard rumors."

'The next island is my one of my many destinations. And the man's right there's a small Marine base on the island but its for collecting and transporting information, and its exactly the place I need to go to finally get the answer I desire. WHO?'

I walk out onto the mast where everyone can see me, i'm no longer hiding because I won't be here much longer. It takes seconds for someone to point out my white body to everyone I can't help but to stare towards the island that should be coming up.

That's when my ears pick up another sound the thumping of heavy boots coming from the stern of the ship. In maybe a minute at most the captain stood behind me on the uperdeck below.

I completely turn my head towards the back of the ship and look down and Kid, what i see catches me off guard 'he's- he's grinning at me why'

Our eyes meet i keep my face neutral in order to conceale the fact that I'm not in fact a bird but a stowaway using him and his crew to finish my goal. ' i can't look away his eyes they belong to an animal almost more so then me, wait is he trying...'

As soon as i think it his eyes turn serious and he lifts his right arm up right in front of him as he motions me to come to him.

'Is he attempted to use his will to tame me! If I was a normal bird that would work.'

Our looks begin to intensify, it is now a battle of will power. 'I might be experienced in haki but this man is a real challenge even for me if I don't comply then I'll just pass out and transform back. FUCK! He has me cornered and he doesn't even know it.'

Maybe a minute passes before I decide to throw in the towel. I turn my body around to properly face Eustass. With a couple of moments I push myself off of the mast delicately gliding through the air over to the bruting red head, landing perfectly on his forearm i use my talons to grasp onto his coat and keep myself steady. Flapping my wings a few more times to properly settle myself on his strong forearm till I got comfortable.

'I don't like this but if I had fought any harder it would send red flags to the captain, i have to play this smart.'

I stare in his eyes, I just realized 'they're yellow- like mine no wonder he looks like a beast to me.'

Then something catches my attention.

A ship in the distance its heading this way maybe a couple miles out and heading quick. I listen more carfully looking towards the sound and close my eyes to concentrate.

'Marine's no mistaking it. This isn't good i'm easy to recognize in any form, there not that many snow owls out on the grand line.'

I look back at Kid and stare him in the eyes. ' i have an odd desire to prove im equal not some animal.'

I let out a warning cry and lift off from the warmth of his forearm from there I start flying in circles and descend to the starboard of the vessel. I begin to puff up my body trying to make myself look bigger and more threatening then before I once again make a loud alarming sound almost as if i was trying to scare off a threatening Predator. I try to make it as obvious as possible that I hear a oncoming ship. It takes a minute before someone says something

"Cleaver what the hell is this bird doing." Its wire who decides to break the silence besides my constant and loud screaming. "Its starting to freak me out a little."

Cleaver begins his lecture on owls kinda going over board in the process. " Owl's senses are extremely sensitive they can hear up to 7 miles aways it allows them to hear prey underground or even their heartbeats, they can also see in the dark-"

"We get it shut the hell, What does this weird dance this bird is doing." Captin kid looks at the man and picks him up by the collar. "What the hell is this thing doing."

"Sorry Cap! I was getting to the point."The man straighten up and gets right to the point.

"When they move like this with they're wings out they're trying appear bigger and more threating its used to scare predators- so i think i means something is coming."

'Finally! Now I can go check it out.'

"What why did it take you so long to say so doc!" A crewmate yells at the doctor.

I dont wait long to jump from the railing out over the open waters and taking flight towards the ships a couple miles out, behind me I can hear kill and kid yell out commands to the rest of crew ordering then to prepare for battle.

It take 10 minutes for me to reach the marine vessel and I perch my self on the bow railing.

I change back into my more familiar form. My thick white windswept hair falls below my shoulders strands fall in my face from the blowing wind. I use my strong sturdy legs to keep my balance on the rails. Luckily im armed with two daggers and my agility is impeccable 'I'll just take out anyone who would recognize me or my power starting with the captain of this ship.' I cant help the sadistic smile that spreads on my face. "Time to get my hands dirty."

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