Chapter 3: Secret stowaway

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Your pov

My body is getting tired I can feel my muscles screaming for oxygen I can't breath fast enough to satisfy their need. My head was now a throbbing mess causing my attacks to become sloppy and more shallow then normal.

' At this point he's gonna catch me off guard and ill be screwed without a way to escape. The smart thing to do is make a run for it, I'm not on top of my game right now anyway,  today wasn't a good day for me to start with.'

While I was caught up in my thoughts he took a massive swing at me sending me flying threw a wooden building creating a hole threw the wall while simultaneously knocking the breath out of me it was impossible to catch my breath that was stolen from me, I feel myself beginning to choke.

'Dammit I should be stronger then this what the fuck.' My mind begins to fade while I slowly recall a conversation I had years ago.

'Flashback 3 years ago'

I laid on the ships deck soaking in the sun while enjoying a bottle of scotch.

" I understand your excitement on being promoted to lieutenant but you shouldn't be drinking on the job. Besides you'll be leaving yourself defenseless and a easy targets for criminals to catch you off guard. You're not being a good influence for the rest of the crew."

The voice was coming from behind almost seemingly to scare scare me but, it still had a stern but soft sound to it. The young man approached my relaxed side and took a seat.

" Huh! Ugh whatever I can take care of myself besides if I get attacked I have the rest of you to come save my sorry ass right junior lieutenant." I say his title with a hint of sarcasm but obvious intoxicated slurred my words.

" Okay i see your point but what happens when we're no longer there to watch your back, its not bad to rely on others but i worry you'll met your match one day and you'll be screwed and I won't be there to save you."

There's an awkward silence in the air and I just watch the clouds pass over head, while dwelling on his word I took another swig of the smooth alchohol.

" I have an idea how about we train while you drink, so if you do get attacked you'll atleats have the ability to defend yourself."

His voice was too exited for my liking. Like a child earning a new toy.

" WHAT hell no cant you see I'm trying to enjoy myself."

My words fall on deft ears and the man stands then goes on the defensive, he then starts attacking my face ruthlessly without a second thought. I was fast enough to dodge the jabbs thrown in my direction, but not the words that were spoken to me.

"Sounds to me like you're chicken."

Those exact words cause my blood to  boil. Me and him begin our drunk training session. Fighting till another crewmate had to separate us for supper.

Your current pov

I was only out for maybe a couple of seconds when I sit up I notice the captain of the kid pirates approaching me. ' I can't be dwelling on the past- dammit!'

'He's gotta be as tired as me based off his rugged movements, might as well make the best of this situation and get out of town to recover.'

I get up not wasting a second moved past the large male and jumped to the roof across the road. I look back towards the ocean to see if my vessel is safe. But I should've known better then that, they are pirates after all.

" Are you you shitting me! Your numb-skull crew destroyed my ship, now how am I supposed to get anywhere much less off this island." Not far i can see my small boat slowly sinking below the sea surface.

My words were ignored by the captain seems like he's too tired to acknowledge my smartass remark.

"Ugh whatever I'm over this little brawl it was fun but I have better things to do besides entertain a kid."

Now my smart ass remark got to him.

" No way in hell is this over frosty, im taking you with me and im gonna show you a hell you've never seen before , YOU'RE GONNA WISH I KILLED YOU."

The response was expected and its exactly what I wanted, but im too tired and now I actually needed his ship to get off the island. There's was no way in hell he was gonna know that though.

"Sounds fun fire crotch, ill have to take you up on your offer in the future, ta ta." With my last smart ass remark out of the way I jump from the roof onto the ground behind the building and start to run toward the forest  to find a good place to begin my secret little plan to take advantage of the hot headed captins ship.

8 hours later

It was well into the night I'd say the time is close to 2 am and the sound of the pirates begin to die down, finally! I was perched carefully on a branch about 6 miles away, I was listing to the crakling of the crews fire for whenever I knew the fire had die down without being reignited. Thats when I would make my move and sneak onto the ship.

'If only they would've left my ship alone i wouldn't have to hitch a ride with a bunch of lunatics that burn peoples stuff for fun.'

I waited two more hours to ensure no one was awake for watch. Nobody had restarted fires or walked in a couple hours.

'Nows a better time then any other'

I pushed off the tree branch with one swift moment and begin to glide through town quietly. I took pride in my silent maneuvers, I was one of the few who possed a devil fruit by the name of Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Snowy Owl; its a zoan type fruit that gave me the ability of a snowy owl including the ability to fly in absolute silence.

Just below me the entire group of kid pirates slept peacefully unaware of their secret stowaway. As I approached the ship I notice someone had left the crows nest window slightly crack but that was enough for me. I land on the window seal and turn back into a human i carfully listen inside before making in rash moves,I could tell the room was empty therefore opened the window silently and begin searching the roof area for a small space for me to crawl into and sleep at during the day to avoid any unnecessary contact.

I had already decided I would stay as and owl sleep during the day and while the pirates slept I would make my way around the ship freely as myself and snatch some food. 'avoiding night watch obviously.'

I found the perfect nook on the wooden beams that held up the roof the spot I found perfectly hid my small body while giving me a nice round window for me to view the deck below.

The sun started to rise by the time I felt comfortable, since I would be nocturnal for a while I decided it would be wise to sleep before everyone wakes up to ready for the next island.

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