chapter 4: Night watch

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Two days later

I haven't been noticed yet and thats a good thing, honestly they wouldn't be able to tell it was me looking like this.

The darkness was slowly rolling in. It was still early enough for everyone to be awake but late enough for me to begin to stretch out my stiff body from my cramped spot.

I left the room from the round window and stretch my wings out allowing the wind to blow them gently. Below the pirates where enjoying a loud party full of booze and food.

The the past 2 nights I've been stealing food in the middle of the night. I snuck around in my normal body though, I might be a devil fruit user but I don't like relaying on it. I haven't been caught seeing as i can hear any movement on the ship and even miles away.

I watch the rowdy group closely through the darkness, for me its easy to make out everyone and everything with out struggling. I can even see killers blue eyes through the small holes in his mask.

I comfotable settle into myself and listen to the conversation down below. Some was just random chatter nothing of importance what I wanted to here was their next move so I tune into the captains conversation with his mysterious masked friend.

"We'll arrive and the next island in about a week, and kid can i ask a favor. Wait a bit to start trouble this time i plan on trying to get more info on our next island and any leads on the Red hair pirates."

"Hmh we haven't ran into anything info worth a damn for a month, im getting impatient."

'So his plan is to go after Shanks? Brave men or dumb, too bad his cockyness is gonna get him killed that or his impatience.'

"What about your fight with the lady the other day not satisfying enough,you didn't kill her. That shocked me its not normal of you to hold back, even if the enemy was a woman."

"Shut it! Thinking about her pisses me off, she held back or she was too drunk to take anything serious, it bothers me. I want to crush her when she's putting all her effort in it."

The masked man looked at his captain i can see his deadpan expression. "Kidd.... we left her on a small island with no way to leave, you lost your chance at that."

I wanted to continue to listen but a voice caught my attention it was familiar, too familiar. I switch my attention to two men sitting at the end of a table exchanging small whispers. Their faces weren't familiar but their voices, no mistaken it they're bounty hunters ive heard them talk to my captin back when I was just a lieutenant.

"Kid's bounty has doubled since we got on the ship not to mention the higher ups as well, I say we start to plan our attack and take them all out in one go. It'll leve the entire crew confused and defenseless." The man who spoke had dark black sleek hair that reaches his shoulder and scars that lace his neck, almost as if he had a life threatening accounter with a wild wolf.

The other man has longer blond hair pulled back in a ponytail, his eyes where a dark brown so dark they could be mistaken for black. " Maybe so we have about 5 days we can't kill too soon we'll be stuck on the ship we have to do it when were close to the next island. Let's start meeting in the crows nest to talk about what needs to be done. DO NOT BLOW THIS FOR US, they will kill us." The two separate themselves and talk normally amongst the crew.

'Hm interesting development they're good though I know their voice so well because of how often they turned in bountys. I wonder is Kid will notice them or if it'll be left to me.'

The next night

I stayed perched in the crowns nest waiting for my special guests I'm interest in how they're gonna go about this. It took the two men a couple hours before I heard their boot hit the boards leading up to the nest. ' clever they know the night shift schedule, perfect to make plans.'

Once they settled they pulled out the paper they had in their pockets. Aka the letter  accepting the job and the navy's approval for termination of the pirates Captin Eustass kid and all his crewmates. I listened carefully this time around as the man with blond locks begin to hash out the plan.

"This is how thing will go, both of us will need to do this when the higher ups aren't on night watch that would be in two nights from now. Leaving us two more days on the ship before we reach the next island. "'How convenient for them.' " Kid has to be the first target we'll sneak in his room while he's sleeping slit his throat then move onto the other crew mates. We'll need to spend the next few night getting down the exact plan till it's perfect I'd suggest meeting at the stearn of the ship to flesh out the plan the next few nights but this is the main plan. If we kill kid first even if we don't get the other, the crew will be at a lost and that plenty of money for us to ditch the crew and pick a new target."

' its a simple to the point plan but, its pisses me off me. Dying while sleeping is probably the worst way for someone like kid to go not to mention the selfish disregard for the rest of the crew.'

Memories of my misfit crew start to fill my head, they were loud... and abnoxious, I can hear there laughter fill my head.

'fuck, i miss them' all I can feel right in this moment is sorrow and anger. 'Fuck their plan we'll see how far they get.'

Three days pass

The men didn't lie about their meet up plans, every night I listened carefully to their sleazy plan to earn fast cash. ' i hate the cockness in their voice when they talk about killing off someone in their sleep, what cowards.'

But tonight, was the night during dinner they blended perfectly  , they've even made close friends with some of the other crew mates ' most likely for cover.'  They laughed and joked with other members like they weren't planning to murder the crews captain in cold blood.

Night couldn't come fast enough for the men. I could hear the beat of their hearts the later it got in the night making it obvious for me that they would make a move, tonight. After dinner some cabin boys cleaned the deck of all the booze containers and other debris that appeared throughout the night.

Around 3 am all the higher ups and kidd where asleep in their rooms unaware of the impending doom hovering above them.  A light drizzle fell from the brewing clouds above us, for the three extra crewmates that didnt belong on board . For the bounty hunters, perfect cover. The rain would hide there heavy steps and deep breathing.

I heard the men under the deck beginning to move cautiously towards what i can only assume is the captains quarters the sound of their breathing was almost non existent. As soon as I heard them ascend the stairs I made my move. Lucky for me captain quarters has windows that look out over the water, leaving a perfect view into the room.

I swiftly glide down and around to the back window of the dark room. I could see through it and there Captain kid was, asleep without knowing aboard his ship was not just two but three different people who weren't part of his crew at all.

I saw the door crack open slowly, no noise came from the hinges that held the old door in place. 'Dont tell me they're actually gonna succeed' the red head didn't seem to even notice the door open or when the two men entered the room and unsheathed their weapons. They lifted the blades in the air and aimed towards his exposed jugular

' Fuck fuck shit shit shit I have to do something this is ridiculous and honestly they're robbing ME of any chance of payback'

With that in mind I decided on the most logical choice. 

I screech as loud as my vocals could, owls have very distinct sounds but by doing this I cause a very unique and loud cry that could wake anyone up from slumber especially when traveling on open seas, where owls don't reside.

'I hope this won't backfire on me'

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