chapter 20: Island paradise

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'Fucking really, I shouldn't be drinking right now! "Why not just do it." Man can't fight that logic.'

I follow the men into a wide open bar it was decorated with big tropical plants that blended well with the wooden building the bar had shelves full of alchohol lined up up beautifully like an art gallery. In the cornor was a huge piano playing loud music the smell of smoke and alcohol over took my senses as i took a deep breath. The men picked a booth close to the piano were a woman who caught their eye was playing some sea shanties about the legend of mermaids and their beauty.

We take our seats once we have our drinks and the men talk for a bit till once again Maxx begins to pester me about my life.

"So ____ have anyone special in your life?" The question catches me off guard as I choked on my drink causing me to cough while the men freak out and attempt to help me breath again. Once I finished my coughing fit Maxx spoke up.

"Ha! I'm taking that reaction as a yes. What a lucky guy to get a catch like you." I fix my breathing and finally speak up.

"No its nothing like that, I dont have anyone like that.... not anymore I mean." I look into my glass holding the heavy liquor my reflection stared back at me, my eyes were dull and a single scar under my eye was the only blemish on my pale skin.

"Im sorry to hear that kiddo. Was he also a Marine?"

I nod my head to agree with the men. ' I haven't spoken about this since it happened why am i telling them? "Probably because nobody's ever asked."

With the heavy tension Maxx trys to change the subject to something more interesting.

"You know I heard a rumor that the cargo thats supposed to be transported is actually a devil fruit. Apparently a big boss is collecting them right now for some secret unit."

"What! No way why send it this way?"

"Apparently some big shot is gonna pick it up and transport the thing."

I listened to ever word coming out of his mouth, a devil fruit could catch us a pretty penny or we could keep it. Point is marines dont need it, just when he was about coutine the door of the pub was kicked in and in came Kid, and Killer I spit out my drink when I saw them.

"Everything okay ___?" James pats my back.

"Do you have an issue with drinking you can't seem to keep it down."

'What the hell are they doing here?!?!? I ask for one thing and they blow it.'  I sink deeper into my seat and take a sip of my drink preparing for the inevitable. Finally Ryan notices the huge figure sitting at the bar.

"Holy shit thats Eustass Kid his bounty is 150,000,000 and rising should we do something?"

'Of course they stick out like a sore thumb.'

I scoff at his statement.

"I mean do you all have a death wish?"

They all look towards me, a little offended by my statement

"But we're marines. I'm gonna do something." Maxx got up and walked towards the group the other two followed in suit

'Oh for fuck sake why won't anyone listen to me.'

"Hey you! What the hell are you doing here!??!?!" Maxwell had pulled on Kid's shoulder Turing him away from the bar.

'Shit he does have a death wish. Fuck! i need his information gotta stop Kid.'

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