chapter 12: kid pirates

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Killer pov

The young woman passed out kid caught her with his right arm keeping her from hitting the ground. He took a deep breath then looked and the unconscious body.

"What are you think of doing with her?"

I couldn't help but bluntly ask for his thought process

"Shes coming with us."

"Are you sure about that can you carry that responsibility."

"What are you talking about Killer?"

"This is different from all the other crewmates we have, shes a woman, where will she sleep?"

"Idk the infirmary has beds till she gets a room or even doc office isnt used very much."

"And she won't cloud your judgment?" Kid looks back at me puzzled and upset.

"What are you talking about killer. Do you doubt me?"

"Not at all you're my captin but also my closest friend look at you. How many crew members have you gone this far for. We followed her up the mountain then followed her back and you COUNTINED to watch her the entire night. Why?" I watch kids face reading each expression he made realizations, confusion, pity then finally the perfect idea.

"Nope we need her besides dont you think she's useful." He walks holding the girl and lifts her up for me to take.

"Nu uh your choice your responsibility you carry her."

I put my hands in my pocket to show there was no discussing the matter."Ugh fine." He threw the small body over his shoulder as he starts to leave the alley but i stop him before he can continue.

"i know what i said but you can't carry her like that."

He looks at me dumbfounded before he positions the girl properly in his arms, now he was cradling her like a child.

"this is ridiculous why do I have to do this?"

"I mean do u want her alive or not.?" He rolls his eyes and countines his way towards the ship in silence. When we arrived we were immediately directed by Cleaver to take the girl to the impharmary where he finally check her thoroughly for any serious injury. For the rest of the night kid remained in his workshop working on his latest project.

Your pov

My eyes slowly open as I check my surroundings I can see bookshelf full of journals and records the cabinets are full of medical supplies and herbs. I can feel the soft rock of the ocean gently pushing the vessel I was abord .I slowly sit up as im doing so send a sharp pain through my body from my torso. I remove the blanket from me and examine my mostly nude body i notice where the pain came from as I look at the badages wrapped around my torso they need to be changed again. I start to remove them carefully and examine the stitches

'guess I got sliced without noticing'

I start to search the room for clothes seeing as the ones I was wearing have been removed from my possession. As im sesrching the door into the room is kicked open i jump out of shock and pick up the sheet from the bed. I stared at the red head who looked me up a down i notice him grinning at me from the door way. I try to pull the sheet to cover as much as possible but its hard to with the sheet tucked into the other side if the bed.


I throw the closest thing to me. It so happens to be a glass of water on the night stand. He moves out of the path of the glass as it shatters on the wall behind him. All he does is stand there gawking at me till the masked man known as killer walks into the room and sees my disheveled state. Killer grabs the redhead by his ear and drags him out the room as kids protest fill the ships hallways.

Soon after a soft knock is heard as Cleaver slowly enters covering his eyes.

"uh ive been sent to bring you clothes."

I get dressed in the clothes given to me by Cleaver. Its a simple black t-shirt that squeezes a bit too tight for my liking with dull olive green pants and black boots.Cleaver inform me that im wanted by the captain. I follow the directions that were given to me by the doctor, although I already know the lay out of the ship very well i follow his directions.I end up outside of kids workshop

' i never had the pleasure to actually seen this room while here my last stay.'

I knock on the door and in reply I hear kids voice giving me permission to enter. When I do I see him and killer on the other side of the room staring me down.

"I'll make this sweet and simple."kid stands from his seat and heads towards me." You are now part of my crew and will follow my order, im positioning you under Heat he will be your direct superior ask him of you have any questions. Do you understand?"

I stand staring at the man in front of me barking orders, it takes me a minute to register what is actually happening right now.

" Whoa whoa wait just a minute who said I wanted to join your crew?"

"Nobody. I didn't think it would matter seeing as you were just gonna let yourself rot away in an alley way. Think about it at leat now you have something to do." Kid seemed satisfied with his answer, to him it seems obvious.

"I had things to do at that island!"

"Oh really like kill every marine officer, you couldn't stay there one more week at most because of what you did you shoud be thankful that me and killer helped you when we did!"

"No i have to go back, I need to go back!" Kid smiles at my retort when killer finally speaks.

"No can do we've already been out on sea for 2 days you were sleeping for quite a long time." Reality starts to set in and I slowly come to terms with my situation im now part of the kid pirates

'not what I expected from this trip.'

I take a deep breath and try to push aside any unnecessary feelings right now. "Fine then where is Heat ill go see what I'm required to do. If I'm gonna stay here I'm not half-assing it. But I have a personal agenda if you get in my way i won't think twice about putting you down"

"As if you could,sweetheart!" Kid sneers at my comment before killer changes the subject

"He should be on the uperdeck keeping an eye on the crew."

Killer nodds toward the outside deck. I turn to leave out the door when.

"Wait I didn't tell you who Heat is." Killers voice is very suspicious of me at this moment.

"I figured I could find him eventually and I'd learn the layout a bit meet some fellow crewmates, you two seem busy right now anyway." I have a nervous smile on my face as I try to lie my way out of trouble.

"You're name is Talon correct?" Kid asked with a harsh tone

"No its a code name i was given while serving with the marines." My attitude is just as harsh as his.

"What should we call you then i don't think a marine name is appropriate for a pirate." It took me a minute to think before I thought of a name I used once upon a time.

"Lilith will be appropriate I believe."

"Is that your real name?" Killer seems interested in the truth.

"No, knowing my real name won't do you any good. I was no one besides a Captin. Now I'm not even that."

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