chapter 13: Adjustments

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With my last statement stinging the air I walk out into the hallway on the way there i try to calm my nerves and make my way toward the outside deck. I step onto the deck to met with the blinding sun and the sound of crewmen working. I scan the deck taking in all the people.

'Ive never actually seen the deck busy. At night its only three people patrolling.'

I take my time to really take in the appealing Gothic architecture of the ship, large rib bones caged the boat from the outside ocean that connected to a huge skull guarding the front of the ship. The entire vessel was encased in a gaint sea monsters skeleton. 'I cant help to admit but this is a bad ass ship.' I take in the design a bit more before walking up stairs to were i hear the person im looking for.

I walk around till I see a familiar face the long haired blunette man from the bar, he's got vine tattoos all on his arms and neck as well some on his face hes wearing the same sad face from before. The man turns around and looks directly at me he immediately back away from me sweat dropping from his forehead.

"Please dont touch me again I don't think I can handle it." I smile widly pleased with the mans surprised reaction.

"Im so glad you remembered me I missed you!"

"Why did the master think this was a good idea?" Theres a look of defeat on his face as well as concern for himself.

"Alright i was put in charge of you so I need to give you a task. Is there anything you're especially good at."

"I was a ship captain i can do almost any task you assign me!"

"How useful, well we dont really need any extra hands so right now you'll just act as a simple cabin girl if that's okay."

"Sure thing anything right now you need?"

"No not me how about you ask Cleaver I know he's short on help."

"Yes sir!" I turn on my heels and head back indoors to find Cleaver. He was in the impharmary cleaning were i had been sleeping.

"Hello Cleaver right?"

"Ah yes I am nice to meet you im the ships doctor, how is your wound healing good?" He looked at my stomach as if to search for the answer based off my stance.

"Im doing good its not that bad just a cut it should heal in no time. What can I help ya with."

"Uh well we're gonna use my old office for your room so we'll have to move somethings into here to give you more space."

"Okay should I start bringing stuff your way?"

"Yeah we'll start with my personal journals and medical books."

It took me and Cleaver about two whole hours to get all his books in order and organized, then it was time to start moving his experimental herbs.

"I dont recognize many of these and I use to help my doctor. What are all these different herbs?"

"Honestly im not too sure thats why I kept them out of the impharmary, some could end up being poison or even just a simply drug. When we stop at any new island I collect whatever seems useful, Kid sometimes let me test them on prisoners. Its been a while since I've been able to test anything though. We will have to find a special place to keep them so no one accidentally uses them."

" Can I help?"

"With my research?"

"Yeah I have more medical experience verses everything else. I can help find people to test on." Cleaver looks at me caught off gaurd from my willingness to use humans as test subjects.

"What kinda Marine Captin were you?"

"The kind that got demoted multiple times before I actually became a captain."

"Wait how many time?"

I start to count on my fingers how offten I had gotten in trouble with my vice admiral putting a finger up for everytime I was demoted, I finally stopped at six finger.

"Six times in total!"

"So what rank would you be if you didn't fuck up so much."

"Well I was a rear admiral for a short period if time, so I'd definitely be a vice admiral at least if I was more of a hard ass. My admiral was fed up with my bullshit but he couldn't get rid of me because I was good at my job."

"What-what was your job?"

I put my index finger to my lips

" it's a secret."

With the conversation finished me and him move all the different plants into the main impharmary while also taking inventory for our next stop.

Few weeks later

The past weeks had gone by smoothly I'd finally adjust to the idea of being a pirate. Causing mayham and doing what i want its a new sense of freedom. I had been Cleavers personally assistante for the last few weeks helping whenever he needed it. The only thing that bothered me was I still haven't told the crew about my abilities or what I had discovered while active as a Marine. I wanted more answers before just giving them weak information to do that i would have to head back to my old base.
'My most recent report was found by Vergio but I know for fact I sent a copy back to the base with puff.'

I was on watch for the night when in the distance i heard a ship approach at extreme speed. I looked around till i found the ship and immediately alerting everyone awaking them from their slumber.

"WE HAVE HOSTILES HEADING FROM STERN SIDE." I dropped from the crowns nest and ran around knocking on doors and preparing whatever was necessary.

Kid and the higher ups arrived on deck and gave strict orders to the crew. I armed my self with my two simple daggers.'i need to look into better equipment next island or get my gear back.'

When ship got close enough close quarter combat started. I fought any officers that crossed my path cutting them down until I noticed someone that pisses me off.

On the vessel stood a eerily familiar person. He had long black hair and dark eyes to match the familiar long scar that crossed his face made me freeze in my spot. 'Victor' i want nothing more then to strangle the life out of him. We were raised and trained together but he's nothing but pure scum that pisses me off.

I sprinted towards the large man armed with only my two small daggers. Before he noticed me I threw one of my daggers directly at his face, he barley doged the sharp object leaving only a small cut in his cheek then pinning itself in the wood beside him, he turned to see the origin of the weapon.

"Is that you Captin Talon. This is a wonderful surprise, now i have the pleasure to kill you my self."

He removes a gaint hammer from his backside and dashes towards me with his weapon raised above his head. I dodge his downward swing and try to hit him with my free hand. He swings his weaponto the right making contact with my stomach, I use tekkai to keep the blow from causeing any serious damage but im still pushed back a significant amount. When i finally recover I dart my eyes to find him.

"Screw you Victor we both know you can't beat me."

"We'll see about that little bird."

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