chapter 18: land ho!

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When I get back to my room I'm able to see what had been done to me. Dark purple marks with small puncture wounds from his teeth littered my neck and thighs my wrist brusied from the tight hold he had on me. My face is still red and flustered as i place my hand on my heart to confirm how fast its actually beating. I look at myself as I replay what had just happened moments ago
I slowly clean the small traces of blood that cover my neck and thighs with a wet rag before throwing on a long sleeve to hind my wrist. I let my hair down in order to attempt to hide the dark bruises on my neck.

'Even with my hair down its still obvious.'

I was too busy looking in the mirror at myself I'd forgotten all about dinner till I heard a knock on the door. I slowly opened the door and peak to see killer standing there.

"Are you okay you've been in here for a minute." Killer looks me up and down a bit before speaking again.

"Im sorry about Kid I should really keep him on a shorter leash."

"Its fine killer, Kid shouldn't be you're responsibility."

"I know but look at you, it looks like he was trying to devour you." He motions to my neck and legs.

"Yeah I guess you're right about that. Let's just forget that ever happened okay?" I walk out of the room passing by killer till he grabbed my wrist stopping me in my tracks.

"Kid isn't my only responsibility you and the rest of the crew are as well, that being said if you need something from me or ever need help just let me know." My eyes linger on him just a little longer before I slowly nod my head letting him know I understood. We coutined our way to the mess hall with killer following close behind me, when we finally made it there killer opened the door for me as we entered everyone turned to welcome us everything was going well until Cleaver headed my way. He looked oddly upset for his usual calm attitude.

"Whats wrong Cleaver?" I could feel sweat drip down my temple as he approached.

"Whats wrong?!? What happened to you?" Clever brushed my hair aside to get a better look at my neck. He lifts both my hands and I try to yank them away but when i do he yanks them back causing me to wince a little he gently moves my sleeves down and carefully looks over the dents and bruises all over my wrist

"What the hell happened did someone attack you?!?!"

Clever quickly glanced at Killer then back at me. He immediately pushed me behind him towards Heat.

"Was this you? It took you too long to get her down here. And you already have a record of not being able to keep your hands to yourself when it comes to the little lady." He was accusing killer of my current state as the rest of the crew stared killer down as if he'd had betrayed their trust. I look over to see Kid's reaction to see if he cared, but unfortunately for Killer he was too occupied with eating his dinner then participating in idle chat.

"What?!?! Of course I didn't you all know me better then that. I found her like that how about you ask the captain what happened!" Killer had his hands raised in a defensive way as he redirected everones attention towards Kid, he was mid bite whenever everyone looked at him.


"Is this you're doing?" Cleaver pulls me forward by my collar to show my neck.

"So what if I did? What are you gonna do about it? Its not like she has any complaints." He grinned at me before winking at me. I scoff at him before replying.

"Asking first would have been more polite."

"Darling im not so sure if you've noticed were PIRATES, we don't do polite or ask for permission. So how about next time you try to stop me instead of begging for me to screw you." Kid rasies his eyeborw at me and coutines to grin seeing his crews reaction. Everyones jaw had dropped and whistels fill the room as everyone looks between me and Kid.

I pout since I was unable to come up with a clever comeback for the snarky red head. I turn on my heels and walk away.

"Whats wrong sweetheart don't wanna sit in my lap." Kid leans back and pats his lap inviting me over to sit, hes got a huge shit eating grin as the entire room breaks out in laughter.

"Bite me Kid."

"So soon again, dont worry i'll fulfill your wish. Why don't you just admit you want me and join me later and ill really show you a good time."

"Tch, whatever you say captin." I use a sarcastic tone with my reply and roll my eyes as I take my seat and begin eating. Later I helped clean the dining hall with the cabin boys whenever everyone finished eating. When I finished help cleaning the table they dismissed me early so I could get as much rest as possible.

The next couple of weeks were spent retraining my body and gaining full mobility back in that time they stopped at one island causing trouble and attacking anyone and everything in sight. Due to my injuries I was told to stay on ship and watch for anyone who tried to board. Because of that i only got my hands on two people who attempted to board the ship and get away. It took barley any effort for me to take the two out and wait for the crews return.I spent the rest of the time restless from lack of action. After five long days of nothing we finally found an island it was obviously populated as many small ships could be seen from a far distant, surrounding the island were jagged rocks keeping bigger ships away. I ran to the cabin on the front of the ship were kid and killer were.

"Hey we've got land up ahead but its gonna be impossible to dock."

"How so?"

"The island is surrounded by huge rocks the ship won't fit and, If im right its trading port lots of people including a Marine base with at least a vice admiral on watch at all times."kid glanced up at my comment.

"Why so important?"

"Information, they keep old misson reports on file at the base. Its never been attacked no one ever gets lead to this island by the log pose, yall must be lucky."

The next day

I stood in formation with about fifty other Marine officers my hair was pulled back and tucked into my hat. Using the brim I kept my eyes covered in case someone could recognized me, my hands were held behind my back with me at attention my uniform was tucked in a wore perfectly to avoid dealing with anal commanders.

'And here i thought I'd never have to wear this stingy outfit again, I never even wore it properly when I was a captain.' The vice admiral in charge of the island base was giving a speech something about important cargo i was too busy daydreaming to care. This platoon was in charge of protecting  the city that dwelled on the island in exchange they received spices and other exotic foods. The base was located on the opposite side of the island a couple of miles away from town with a huge tropical jugle seperating the two locations , the island is a Paradise full of people, merchants,and beachs that strech around like a white ring surrounding the island. My main mission from Kid was to sneak into the base and steal the information we needed then later the crew would distracted the Navy by attacking the village giving me time to sneak out during the commotion. The man wrapped up his speech and we were dismissed to our positions. I snuck away from the crowd and started looking for the vault that kept old record. What most weren't aware of was the top secret safe keeped below ground, in there were files on older missions including my own.

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